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I couldn't wait any longer so I just announced the 11 lucky winners on the rafflecopters.  Now it's time to go check to see if you're one of them. I will be emailing all of the winners for complete details before Tuesday. I wish everyone who entered could have won the giveaway of their choice. Don't worry I LOVE giveaways and have another one in the works. A big thanks goes to all of the wonderful teachers, authors, companies, and designers who helped pull off this WONDERFUL giveaway. I am so thankful for you all! Thank you for entering and following this blog.
Have a wonderful week,
Miss Nelson

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for having all of those giveaways! I unfortunately didn't win any of them, but I did run into your blog in the process and I'm glad I did! I'm your newest follower!
    Come visit my blog when you have a chance... I have a big giveaway going on right now!
    A Turn to Learn


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