05 July, 2012

Back to School Powerpoint

Smart Teaching
I'm linking up to Teaching Smart to share with you a little back to school powerpoint that makes meeting my students and parents a little easier. I love presenting this powerpoint each year. Sometimes I present whole group but usually I have the powerpoint set up on my student computers and parents view at their own time. I also place this powerpoint on my class website and email it out to any parents who couldn't attend. Orientation and Open House can be a little hectic and unorganized unless you have a plan. This presentation has really helped me through the years. I also have a fun freebie I'm working on for you all! Just curious do you have orientation before school starts? Is it during the day or night?

graphics used jessicaweible.com  

This Welcome Back PowerPoint Template will help make it easier to relay your classroom expectations and procedures to your parents. It presents parents with classroom expectations, grading policies, home connection, homework, special events, etc. 

Freebie- 1st day photo cards- also included are 100th day and Last Day


  1. This looks absolutely adorable! I would love to use it when we have our "Meet the Teacher Night"...in 8 short days! It is so hard to believe that school is back in session for my district on Monday.


    1. We're on a year round schedule. We start in July, but get a 3 week break in the fall in addition to winter and spring break. I actually love it, although it is hard to say that my summer break ends right after the 4th of July. :)

  2. We have a Meet the Teacher event the day before school starts. The building & classrooms are open for 2 hours. Students are encouraged to come to the classroom, meet the teacher, and drop off school supplies. Later in the year we also have an Open House. We are not required to do a formal presentation because parents with multiple children are trying to get to each teacher in a short amount of time. I have done a quick presentation in the past, though. I usually have the students give a planned tour so the families see what I want them to see.
    Stories by Storie

    1. I agree! It's so hard to do a formal presentation because of siblings. I really like making it informal with a scavenger hunt.

  3. We have a Meet the Teacher night the day before school starts. Sometimes I wish we had one after school started. You're powerpoint is adorable.

    Surfing to Success

  4. Oooh what a fabulous way to have information available!!


  5. We have a "Meet the Teacher" day before school starts and then a few weeks later have an "Open House" where we go over rules, curriculum, etc. I love your PowerPoint! It is so cute!

    Learning is a Journey
    Polka Dot Parlor

  6. We have a Back to School Day which we hold on a non-school day. Very formal ( as opposed to drop in) but only an hour or an hour and a half. Most of it is my presentation,followed by Q & A.

    Tokyoshoes (at) hotmail (dot) com

  7. This is perfect! We generally have a Meet the Teacher night the evening before school starts. A few weeks later we have Expectations Night to let parents know about a routines, expectations, etc. This coming school year we'll have a new principal and I'm not sure what her plans are for either. I would love to have a Powerpoint ready for whatever she decides!! Great idea emailing it to those who cannot attend!!

    Pencils, Books, and Dirty Looks

  8. Your powerpoint is adorable. I'm inspired! We have an Open House at night for parent's only. It's usually during the second or third week of September, after school starts. (We start after Labor Day.) New students can visit the school the week before school starts. Our principal gives a tour.
    We meet all of our new students on the last day of school in June on "Move-up Day". They come to our classrooms for 15-20 minutes, meet the teacher and classmates, and bring home a class list.

  9. I wish we had this all before! We have Meet the Teacher night 3 weeks after school starts. Believe me - after 3 weeks... we've met! We can't even send out Welcome packets or anything until after school starts because who's in whose class is a big giant secret until 9 a.m. on the first day of school.

  10. I teach Full-Day Kindergarten in a childcare center. Our parent orientation is the week before school starts (late August). This would come in handy to get all my info organized!


  11. Thanks for the shout-out! You are awesome! I am your newest follower and I love your blog! You have so many great ideas!

    Teaching Joys

  12. Thanks! I am just getting back into teaching and this would be SO helpful!


  13. I was just thinking of making something like this!! This would be so helpful to me!! :)
    We have a night presentation where all the parents come and stare at me for 45 minutes ;0 and I tell them about about their child's day. A nice "formal" set up would be so nice! :)

  14. This would be great for Open House!


  15. I love this! We do a very informal open house a day or two before school starts.

  16. This looks awesome. Meet the teacher is coming up;)

  17. I love this! Now I hate mine, LOL. So I will keep my fingers crossed in hopes of ditching mine and using yours!

    Faithful in First

  18. thanks for visiting my blog :) love your powerpoint idea, unfortunately my OLD dinosuar computers will not display it - I am in need of some serious technology!!!

    ~ Kimberlee ~

    Two Fulbright Hugs

  19. Love this!!!


    Jessica Stanford
    Mrs. Stanford's Class
    I hope that you'll join me for my giveaway ♥
    and our Blogger Product Swap!

  20. We have a Meet the Teacher night the night before the first day of school. We usually offer popsicles or some sort of treat and have the parents just walk through informally. We don't get a very good turn out though - wosh I could change that! I think your powerpoint presentation looks adorable!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

  21. I am loving your Powerpoint! This is such an awesome resource. =)

    Heather's Heart


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