17 July, 2012

Wordmarkit, Winners, and Whoo loves fonts?

I really appreciate everyone's suggestions on my labels from Monday's Made it! I should have used Wordmark.it first before posting my labels. I use wordmark.it for finding the perfect font for titles, student handouts, newsletters, sight word cards and more. This program is awesome!!! I highly suggest using it. It's super easy. All you do is type in a word, phrase, or set of characters and it displays your text in all the possibilities of fonts that are loaded on your computer. It's pure genius. Yes, I have the ability to hover over the text in powerpoint but this is much better. I'm such a visual person so it allows me to see ALL of my options. Why is this so cool? This comes in handy because some fonts are only lowercase, some are a mixture and some fonts do not make certain characters. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Now on to the winners:
Amanda- Reaching for the Top
Mrs. Nunley- First Grade Magic
Hooty's Hoomroom

Please email me your selections from my tpt store!

I seriously love fonts!!! It's a problem. I know there have been tons of font linky parties but I'm always finding more fonts. I would love for you to join my font linky party. I have it broken down into specific categories. This helps me organize my fonts for different purposes.

Grab this picture and add your favorite fonts for specific purposes.


  1. I'm a font addict! I'm off to teach summer school but I'll be linking up as soon as I get home! :) Cute idea!!

    The Learning Tree

  2. I have never heard of wordmark.it! yipee! I guess I will post to the linky tomorrow. Already posted today and don't want to be taboo! haha!

  3. How do have so many tips to offer?!! Yesterday with the layering of borders, and now wordmarkit??! Awesome stuff!

    I too, am a font ADDICT. Is there a 12 step program? I can't wait to link up, love how you broke it into categories!!!

    Across the Hall in 2nd

  4. Throw My Hands in the Air is a new one to me, and I LOVE it! Fonts are so fun! Is it Kevin and Amanda, too?

  5. O gosh, I had never heard of wordmarkit!! So smart and I will definitley have to check it out!
    BakingCraftingTeaching Oh My

  6. I linked up wrong earlier...that's what I get for reading it too fast. I used your slide & categories & it should be correct now!! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  7. Oh, my word. I'm going to have to check the wordmarkit.... I spend so much time changing fonts. I see several of my favorites in your picture above, but I'll find some others and try to link up soon! :)

    First with Franklin

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  9. I need to proofread before I hit publish. I hate it when I have a typo! I love fonts! I just posted my favorite fonts a few days ago. You will have to check them out. It is hard to pick a favorite.

    Smiling and Shining in Second Grade

  10. I really like the Wordmarkit - it was so cool. Tried it out yesterday!

    Buzzing with Ms. B

  11. Smiley Monster is definitely my go to font as well! I love your blog and am your newest follower! :) I'd love for you to stop by my blog and follow me as well, I'm new to blogging!


  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Thank you for introducing me to Wordmarkit!! I can't wait to try it out! I also love smiley monster-- I just wish it had capitals... :)

    A Day in First Grade

  14. Wordmark.it is awesome! It's a lot easier than scrolling through MSWord. Thanks for sharing :)


  15. Hi Michele! Thanks for sharing the Wordmarkit. I just bookmarked it on my computer and can't wait to try this out. My go to font is smily monster also. Love! I have also been using Rowdy Spunky and a couple of other "Rowdy" fonts. These are from Rowdy in 300.

    Have a great week!


LOVE hearing from you!