03 September, 2012

Open House Week at TBA

I'm linking up with TBA for their Open House Week. 

Day 1: Meet the Teacher
Hi! I'm Michele and here are a few things about me! Just click here to find out more!

Grade you teach: 

I’ve taught K, 1st, and 2nd. I’m currently teaching second grade. I love the primary grades!

How long have you been teaching? 

I’ve been teaching for 10 years. It sure does go by fast.

What is your teaching "style"? 

I feel that learning should be fun, engaging, and individualized for each student. School should be a place where children look forward to coming each day. My goal is to create life-long learners who enjoy learning and experiencing new things. I try to incorporate as much visual, auditory, and kinesthetic aides into my lessons. I love integrating all subjects. If you walk into my classroom you will tons of anchor charts, lessons on the smartboard, and tons of cooperative learning. My classroom may seem chaotic to the outsider but everyone knows exactly what they are working on.  I wouldn’t have it any other way.


  1. This is a cute linky- I feel like blogland should join me in unison and say "Hi Michele" ..oh wait, wrong meeting ;)

    The Learning Tree

  2. hehe! I know what meetings your talking about.

  3. Thank you for stopping by my blog to visit! I was thinking about your blog this week when I got out the camera to take pictures and one of my kiddos said, "She's got the camera - camouflage!" and tried to blend into the carpet! LOL!

  4. I would love to hang out in your "chaotic" room. Sounds fun and engaging!
    Learning With Mrs. Brinn

  5. Thanks Gwen! Kelly that is too funny.

  6. We've taught the same grades for about the same amount of time. I feel like it's flown by as well! You're classroom sounds great...a place I'd want to be. Hope your year's off to a great start!

    -Michaela :)


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