10 June, 2013

Monday Made It and AR

It's time for Monday Made It... my favorite day of the week. Well, only in the summer! This week I wanted to add a little more fluff to my room. I just love my yellow, black and white room and wanted to bring more of the colors into the classroom. I made this little ribbon garland that will attach to a bulletin board. I might make a couple for my brag tags and AR tracker. Isn't the little chalkboard so precious? I love chalkboard paint. I can't wait to show you next week's Monday Made It. It's going to be awesome and it's also a giveaway!

How to make the Ribbon Garland
You will need tons of ribbon. I used 16 rolls. YIKES. Wait and buy on sale! I bought mine half off at Hobby Lobby. I found some white rope in the garage as my base. All you need to do is tie knots. It was very simple. I cut all of the ribbon about the same length. All ribbon pieces were around 10 inches long.

Next up on my Monday Made It was my AR tracker. Do you have Accelerated Reader at your school? I used to not really track my students. I had no idea who was even close to meeting their goals unless I looked it up on the computer. Parents would always email me and ask me. I had NO CLUE. My students would always ask me if they were close and that was getting really hard remembering. Well, NOT. ANY. MORE thanks to an awesome 3rd grade teacher at our school.  This teacher has made AR goals so much easier for us to track. Each student has their own personal AR goal. Instead of everyone having to earn the same amount, students are tracking their percentage of goal mastery. Students move to a percentage based on their current % of mastery. This is what I used last year. I wanted to make a new one for the new school year 2013-2014 . I can just imagine all of the possibilities with the different school themes. Football fields, bugs, aliens, owls. You could get really creative!

This is my new updated one below. It's like a clip chart but for  AR. It's on sale for $2.00 and I have also included some FREE student AR forms to help monitor progress here. On June 12th the AR tracker will be FREE for the entire day!


  1. I like the idea of giving the kids visuals for keeping track of how they are progressing on theire AR goals. I left a comment for you on TPT. Thanks for the great ideas. Enjoy a blessed week.
    my email is

  2. AHHHHHHH! I LOVE YOUR RIBBON BANNER!!!!! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!!! Yes, I was shouting:) I really like your ar clip chart and tracking sheets....those would be great in our data notebook:) Please oh please link this wonderfulness up:0)

    4th Grade Frolics

  3. I love how you use their pictures instead of simply their names. It's the little things that make displays special. :)
    Brandee @ Creating Lifelong Learners

  4. I love your ribbon garland! And of course the AR tracker. I left you a comment at TPT. I've never liked displaying the kids' points but definitely can see using the % to motivate everyone to achieving mastery no matter their level!


  5. I love your AR tracking idea! I am totally going to do this. I left feedback and can't wait to get this started. Thank you! croftsclassroom@gmail.com

    Crofts' Classroom

  6. I truly loved the simply way for a student to keep track of his or her AR goals. LOVE IT! I left you a comment at TPT. Also, love the clip chart to keep track of the whole class. Thanks for your great ideas.


  7. I love you ribbon garland! I have a bunch of ribbon left over from projects and this would be a perfect way to use them!
    Fun in Room 4B

  8. Oh I LOVE your ribbon garland! So going to do that this week! Heading off to buy ribbon right now!

    Carmen Zeisler

    Exploring Elementary
    Fourth Grade

  9. I love your tracker! I left feedback on TPT. Thank you for sharing your great ideas!
    dana.mckeown@gmail.com -- I'd love a copy of the class clip chart!

  10. Love your ribbon garland! I was thinking of making a ribbon wreath for my classroom door, but this is much cuter. I also love the AR tracker-- kids are responsible for tracking their goals! I left feedback on TpT :)

  11. Forgot to leave an email address! Krista0914@gmail.com

  12. We no longer use AR because of the cost, but I love how you are tracking students! I just became a follower! LOVE your name!

  13. Super cute garland...great idea for adding color! The AR tracker idea is brilliant:) I left feedback on your free ar sheets! Thanks for the freebie! My email is lillemom2000@hotmail.com

  14. The garland is super cute! I love the idea of an AR tracker!!! I left feedback on the tracking sheets. Thank you for the freebie! My email is lillemom2000@hotmail.com

  15. I LOVE your ribbon garland too!

    I just downloaded your AR forms and left feedback on TpT. We use Scholastic Reading Count but I know it would be easy to adapt. It is very generous of you to share your tracker. My email is temske@gmail.com

    Thanks for sharing.

    room 4 imagination

  16. I downloaded your free AR sheets. Thanks for sharing them. I left feedback on your TPT page as well. Your garland is so pretty. I think I have another project to add to my summer to do list.


  17. The garland is wonderful! It will definitely add some pizazz to your room! I love the visual idea of tracking their AR progress too.

  18. Oh my goodness I LOVE your ribbon garland!
    Short and Sassy Teacher

  19. I love your Ribbon Garland! What a great idea for birthday parties and more! I just might have to steal that idea!

  20. I love the charts AND the tracker. About how long is the ribbon?
    Please send to tee273@aol.com. Thanks!

  21. LOVE this ribbon tracker and the goal sheets. I mentioned on your tpt site that the balance of fiction and nonfiction is perfect!!


  22. I love the charts AND the tracker. About how long is the ribbon?
    Please send to tee273@aol.com. Thanks!

  23. Thank you for the goal sheets, I was happy to leave feedback. They are very student friendly and will make tracking much easier...our school recently had a crash with AR because the program has gone completely online and we can no longer access it...we had an ancient version I guess...so all of our students lost their data for their third marking period, and they earn points to spend in the AR store..they are so bummed! I am really hoping they invest in the online program...thanks again!
    hminckler@hotmail.com (I Love 3rd Grade)
    P.S. I love that board with the little bee on it...too cute!

  24. The charts are wonderful! They will be great for keeping the kids motivated to read! I would love the tracker. hlochhaas@gmail.com

  25. This is my second year doing AR and I never seem to be able to keep track of it. I love the idea of tracking it like the clip chart. Thanks!
    I left feedback of tpt. Please send it to tlcabcs123s@aol.com

  26. I LOVE your ribbon garland. It will make a lovely addition to your already beautiful classroom. I can't wait to see it on display! And, the board is equally as adorable!!

    Primarily Speaking

  27. I love the clip chart for AR! I use red, yellow & black for my class colors & I may try your garland if I find a good sale on ribbon.

  28. Love the garland and the AR chart idea. Did you make the chalkboard?

  29. Love, love, love your ribbon garland! Precious! I also really liked the AR student forms..and left feedback on them..would love to have the Take the Lead and Read AR Tracker. Thanks so much!


  30. I LOVE your ribbon garland!! It is super cute!! I also love your chalkboard with the bee!!

    The First Grade Dream

  31. I have an AR racetrack to keep track (pun intended :) of our AR progress. It's a long strip of black paper with yellow stripes down the middle and pace flags at 10% increments. For the kids, I took their picture and put it in a race car cutout so they could be the driver. The kids love it and I like that I know who is ahead and who is behind at a quick glance. Making goals visible is so important. I love your idea!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings


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