14 July, 2013

Sunday Smorgasbord

 I'm linking up with Fabulous in First for Sunday Smorgasbord. It's my kinda linky. My brain is like a big smorgasbord all the time. I love to multitask and I also love randomness.
Here are some of my randoms from the week.

I love buying children's clothes. Do you have a favorite brand? I'm looking for some new stuff for these two cuties. One of my favorites right now is  Persnickety Clothing 

These are some great sayings ... my favorite is
Beggers Can't Be Choosers.
In the classroom I say... You get what you get and you appreciate it!

New puppy that found us. We think we have settled on the name BROOKS

Love this quote!

I need to change out some pictures! They never stay straight.

This sandwich is so refreshing
Humus,Vegenaise, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Onions, Sprouts, Kale, Spinach on RUDIS bread

Which is your favorite color? Mine would have to be yellow.

This is where I spend entirely too much time. I'm going to start setting a timer and ***MAKE*** myself unplug.

Is it bad that I never put batteries in the clocks? It really doesn't bother me but I know it would bother some people. I'm a HUGE procrastinator. 

There's my random postings. 


  1. OMG! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE (xthousand) your clock idea! may i steal it? lol. i have a plain wall in my room where that idea would look cool! :)

    definitely loving the kids clothes as well, are those your kids? they are adorable. you should see if you can get their pictures in a magazine.

    xox marie (listeningratherthenspeaking.com)
    ps. if you would love free ad space, contact me. i would love to have you on my side bar!

  2. I always "you get what you get and don't throw a fit" but "you get what you get and you appreciate it" is so much better. I also love that Winnie the Pooh quote. Thanks so much for linking up!

  3. I say "You get what you get and you don't pitch a fit!" I guess it serves the exact same purpose. :)

    I finally moved my computer to the kitchen so I can at least pretend I am working in there from time to time. ;)

    The clocks are fabulous!
    Creating Lifelong Learners

  4. Your girls are precious!! So cute! I also love the gallery wall, you can never have too many pics of your loved ones!


  5. I LOVE your house and super LOVE your pup!!!!! I have one big piece of art in my living room too! I just love that....it's makes the whole room:) My house is kinda small too so if I did more it would look too busy...lol! LOVE the clocks and your office and that you're going to unplug:) Chat soon:)))

    4th Grade Frolics

  6. That sandwich sounds delicious! What is Udi's bread?

  7. Loved reading and seeing this post! Love the old sayings!

    Math Madness

  8. Love the clock wall!! I have actually tried setting an alarm on my phone and basically ended up hitting snooze for 2 hours. I don't know how to unplug!!!
    The Sweetest Thing
    Follow me on Bloglovin'!

  9. Your pictures are always fabulous! Brooks is too cute! I know he's thrilled to be there with you all!

    An Apple a Day in First Grade

  10. My 6 year old always says "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit!" I guess he learned this in PreK this year, because I had never heard it. It works on him too! :)

    Sixth Grade Scribbles

  11. I think I would like to plug-in in your living room. That big chair is screaming my name. Do you hear it? "Aaaaallllisssoooonnnn".
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  12. I love how random this post is .... that's just awesome. The clocks are the best too my friend.
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  13. I never put batteries on my wall clocks either lol. Once my sister in law gave a very nice clock as a present along with an extra pack of batteries since she already knows that I would not put some on it. (:

  14. I never put batteries on my wall clocks either lol. Once my sister in law gave a very nice clock as a present along with an extra pack of batteries since she already knows that I would not put some on it. (:

  15. Check out Sparkle in Pink for some CUTE clothes!!!


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