02 August, 2013

My dog ate my PLANNER Giveaway

The giveaway keeps getting sweeter. I keep finding awesome stuff to giveaway. It will probably last until Tuesday so keep checking in daily.

Confession… I am a school supply addict. I imagine I’m not alone in this obsession. I can spend hours in Target and Office Supply stores enjoying the beautifully made planners. This year I bought three planners. Not sure why but I just NEEDED them.

I was all set until

Well…… remember this little guy.? I left my planners on the floor of my home office and forgot to shut the door. Cooper decided to gnaw on them all. I was DEVASTATED!

I knew I could not drop another 50 or so on a stylish planner.  In searching Etsy for planners, I saw a picture of one that I wanted to learn more about.  Have you seen Plum Paper Designs Etsy shop?

I have found a perfect alternative to my *other* very expensive planner. Actually, my Plum Paper is one of the best planners I’ve ever used.

I love that unlike most planners, the area for the entire month is situated right before the pages for each day of the month. Each month is also a different color, making it super easy to find. 

Are you in need of a stylish planner?
Order Your Own!
If you like what you see and you’d like to order your own planner from Plum Paper Designs, then YOU are in luck!
Plum Paper Designs has generously offered a special coupon code just for readers of this blog. Enter “NELSON10″ at checkout for 10% off your order!  Hurry though!  This code is good for ONE MONTH ONLY!
Head on over to their Etsy shop, and start shopping!  

Oh Wait... I forgot I'm having a HAVE IT YOUR WAY GIVEAWAY. 
 One lucky reader will get to design their very own Plum Paper planner.  Enter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Replies
    1. oh know! That's terrible. I bet you got over it!

  2. When my dog was a puppy she ate the cover off of one of my library books. That was an expensive replacement (and the book wasn't even that good!)

  3. I also LOVE planners:) There's something about writing things down in a cute book that is way more fun than logging it in your phone (BOR-ING!). Thanks for sharing these adorable planners!!!

    (And you have my sympathy with the chewing pup. My best dog ever was a chewer. When I was a kid, she chewed everything...including the video (yes, I'm that old) on how to train puppies and one of my best friend's toothbrushes the first time she ever stayed over for a slumber party. sigh)

    1. Aren't they so pretty? Mine is definitely chewing up everything. Thanks for entering.

  4. I'd love the planner!!! We don't have a dog and my dog growing up was an outside one! No good stories here.

  5. Our Golden ate all of our son's Halloween candy - the only thing left was the wrappers. Before he saw it, we ran and bought replacements (50% off!) and our little guy was oblivious! The dog was fine too, shockingly.

  6. Oh gosh, we have a lab and I have to say I haven't had a mishap with her, Raleigh. However she is an outside dog though so that is probably why!

    Great giveaway again!

  7. I can't tell you the amount of stuff my puppies have eaten at one time or another. I actually had a teacher in college have her puppy eat our final.. so we all got As!

  8. I love that Tri Sigma Planner!

    I had a student (kindergarten) bring me his hw and a note from his mom and the dog actually chewed his hw, so the kid brought it in to show me! So cute.

  9. My dogs eat everything all the time. If you go to my blog post here http://teachingisagift.blogspot.ca/2013/07/new-teacher-survival-kit.html, you can see one of little devils and her "who me?" face. I have two boston terriers who I call my little boston terrorists! LOVE THOSE DOGS! I think the worst was when Bella (the one in the blog post pic) got up on the dining room table and ate the chocolate cupcakes! Now that dog knows chocolate is NOT good for dogs...luckily she was fine...and now has a hankering for chocolate icing!

    1. I'm off to check it out they are so cute so it's hard to get on to them. Glad Bella was ok.

  10. Those planners are fabulous! I just mentioned in my Currently that I needed a great planner for this year. I'm going to head over and check them out! My fur baby Bella chewed the corner of a rug in my bedroom when she was a puppy. Luckily it's on the side that you can't see when you walk in the room!


    An Apple a Day in First Grade

  11. My sweet Coco died this year...it will be my first school year without her...
    She did not chew up school work, but she did like to crunch the buttons off of any articles of clothing within reach. Didn't ruin anything permanently, just destroyed the buttons!

    1. Aww. I bet you have some great memories and stories of Coco

  12. You are too good to find all these sweet goodies to give away :)

    The Sweetest Thing
    Follow me on Bloglovin'!

    1. Thanks girl! I still have some more FUN stuff planned

  13. I don't have a dog but I want one SO bad! Need to move to a puppy friendly apartment :(

    LOVE the planners though! I'm a school supply addict too! I literally countdown the days until the stores start their B2S sales. And I compulsively buy folders, notebooks, pens, etc that I don't need because they are so CUTE!

  14. I love the fact that these planners can be customized! I would love to have one!

  15. I'm so sorry your dog ate your planner - although it's such a perfect teacher story! I love the plum paper planners... the mustache planner is absolutely adorable!

    Thanks for sharing their designs,

    My Shoe String Life
    Follow me on Bloglovin'

  16. I have not had a dog mishap. I do not have a dog.

  17. Ok, so I have buyer's remorse. I almost bought from Plum Papers but I went with the EC planner because I liked that it had checklist pages. WEll, my buddy got her EC planner in the mail and it had air bubbles in the lamination and pages were falling out. With the $$$ I hope mine is good quality. Going with PP for next year. :) Love the giveaway

  18. I had a dog dig his way through my old couch!

  19. I have dog mishaps ALL the time since I foster!! I've had my glasses eaten, Dyson vacuum cord chewed up, pillows, beds, shoes destroyed- cookies and cheesecakes eaten off the counter.... you name it! lol but I wouldn't have it any other way! I love my babies and all my fosters!

  20. Gotta love furbabies! My dog ate my carpet the second day we left him alone to go to church. He was trying to find us and dug and ate the carpet under our door to the bedroom. Still to this day (2 years later) we have to make sure ALL the doors in the house are open so he can roam the house to see if we are there.

    Love the cute planners!

    Math Madness

    1. They are so sweet! I need to check all the doors as well

  21. My sweet kitten, Bella, LOVES to chew on things! I just ordered a new ipad case from groupon & she has already gnawed the edges. Got to love those fur babies!



    1. Aww . They are so cute that it's hard to get mad.

  22. Hahah yes more than 1 dog mishap. We have a beagle (I call him a goat) b/c he tries to eat everything...the worse thing though was him chewing up one of my hubby's Harley Davidson riding gloves....ugh!

    Mrs. Thigpen's Kindergarten

  23. My dog is super sweet and well behaved... my cat is the trouble maker! She knocks over lamps and vases, chews on EVERYTHING, and puts plenty of holes in just about anything she can find!


  24. This may be long, so I apologize in advance. :) We had a dog that had glaucoma so he had to have both eyes removed. He was the sweetest dog (Bailey). We were raising a companion dog at the same time (Yardley). Obviously, Bailey needed pain killers (do you know they make them meat flavored?). Needless to say, you know where I am going, Yardley got out of his cage and ate all of Bailey's medicine. He had to go to the emergency vet and get his stomach pumped and then go into detox. We joke that he has to get random drug tests. :) They both lived after this, even though my husband threatened for Yardley not to. :) They lived happy, full lives after this mishap.

    ❀Beth Ann❀
    Taming My Flock of Firsties

    1. Wonderful story. I love the name Yardley. I did not know they make meat flavored pills. Crazy. Glad everyone was ok

  25. Love this giveaway. My husky eats everything. The crazy dog has eaten Chili's queso that he grabbed and then had on the floor- he then ate through the carpet because it had queso on it. :/ Not to mention the pool chalk he ate when he was a puppy. It's amazing he's alive, but grateful he is. :)

    Adventures of Mrs.Tinez's Kids

    1. Oh gosh. Mine does the same thing. It looks the carpet and walls too.

  26. My beagle ate my den flooring while we were at the beach.

  27. I never had a dog mishap, little children mishaps yes, but not dog!

  28. Our dog continues to tear up our lawn with his digging. :/ But all in all he is a great dog! :)

  29. No doggie story to share since there is no doggie...

  30. Well she didn't eat anything but last night after I spent an hour cutting out laminating and putting it in nice little piles...my dog jumped on it and sent it flying all over the room!!! Yikes!

  31. Doggie mishap - Yes, I had bought a name brand purse and left it in my trunk overnight. Somehow, the trunk came open, and the next morning I found my dog in the yard not only chewing the handles of my purse, but he was also chewing my gum! I still don't know how that happened!

    1. Oh my! I bet. Funny story now! Chewing your gum LOL

  32. I have outside dogs as well. My dogs prefer to chew on the firewood. They will drag it out of the firepit and leave it all over the yard.

  33. No doggie mishaps at our home however I'd still love to say that the dog age it!

  34. It was Christmas. So we were receiving packages left and right from extended family. My husband brought the day's packages in and went to change clothes. I walked in to see our Golden Retriever with his head inside a box ears deep in our spiral ham- foil, cardboard box, packaging, and all were ingested. Good thing he has an iron stomach.

  35. We have a new puppy that has taken a liking to our siding on our house. Grrrr!!!


  36. Oh yes!!! Our dog loves shoes. Especially my sons. Needless to say his new boots are now embellished with holes.

    1. I just found out that my dog has eaten one of every shoe heel

  37. I love their planners! I have never had a dog but I have had my cat spray on my backpack ended up tossing the whole thing

  38. These planners look great! And nope, animal free!!

  39. I currently have two Great Pyrenees puppies that are chewing everything outside. A small rocking chair that I had for when my children were little has been chewing up so. They have chew up a riding helmet and gloves. Don't you just love the puppy chewing stage?
    Barrow's Hodgepodge

  40. My dogs have always stayed outside for that reason...

  41. My puppy hates the rain and "forgets' to tell us that he needs to go out. Potty training has not been going well! Other than that, he is so adorable and I love him!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  42. My dog ate my flip flops!

  43. Great giveaway!!!!!!!!! I love the mustache and whale planners! I don't have a dog so I've never had an incident where one destroyed something of mine! :)


  44. I leave the couch for one second and they both jump up onto my spot! Then I have lost it for the night.

    :o) V.
    Special Teacher for Special Kids

  45. No homework mishaps with the dog---but she does chew on the houseplants!!!


  46. That pup is way too cute to get into ANY trouble! My large, once beautiful rug under our kitchen table now has a huge section gnawed out and our couch in our formal{ish} living room has a big chunk out of the bottom of it. Ho hum....she did grow out of that stage...thanks GOODNESS! HA!

    Thanks for the opportunity to win such cuteness!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

    1. Haha that's what my hubby says I want to spank him but I don't. Funny about the rug.. you now have a story to tell. They are special.. Wouldn't trade him for the world

  47. No, we do not have dogs, but once our cat barfed on my stuff.. I was not pleased!

  48. My dog ate a pair of my favorite black pumps :(

  49. My dog has eaten two couches and three chairs. She has settled down now, and we can actually have nice stuff again.

  50. Hi, thank you for the opportunity to win a new planning book. I, like you, love to browsw, but, look at new planners!! Thanks! teacherturk@gmail.com

  51. My cute little pup has also done some damage over the years. :) It is a good thing she is so cute! Lol!

  52. Such cute planners! Thank you for this giveaway!

  53. I love the planner - no pets so no pet mishaps.

  54. When our husky was a puppy he chewed up our checkbook and ate some money! Good thing we were poor....just ate a couple dollars. :) I would have a hard time choosing just one planner...they are so cute!

  55. My puppy got into my teacher bag and pulled out the kids' work and chewed it to shreds. He also ate my paint brushes once. That dog would eat anything! What a fun giveaway! Sorry about your planner:)

  56. I have already purchased a planner for this year but I love these! I am hoping to win so I can pass my newly purchased one to a newly hired first year teacher. Your puppy mishap may be a blessing in disguise!

  57. SO many dog mishaps...we have a Jack Russel Terrier...enough said! :-) But I think my most memorable one is we had a wooden gate for her to stay out of the front living room and she chewed a hole right through the wood!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  58. I too have a severe school supply addiction!! Now that I'm actually a teacher I can only see it getting worse!!

    A Little Bird in Third

  59. Holy Shmoly! Cooper got ALL THREE planners? What a busy guy! The Plum Paper planner is awesome. I wish I had seen this before I got mine... next year:)

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. I just bought one of the Plum Paper teacher planners and am SO excited for it to come. I got a chevron design and customized the boxes inside with my different classes. Cannot WAIT to see it. Got a design proof of the cover today. I love that they give you that option so you can be SURE it is what you want.

  62. Never had a dog mishap.... but those planners look awesome. I love that you can customize them.

  63. My Aussie pup ate the entire first chapter of my summer school curriculum the night before the session started! Needless to say I looked at a colleague's copy and had to wing it. :) Love the planners!

  64. My dog once ate the arms on my leather couch :( Needless to say out new dog is crated when we leave the house. It makes me sad, but not willing to risk it again!

    I love the aqua and red planner! Super fun designs.

    The Resourceful Apple

  65. I had a dog that liked to eat underwear, thankfully not mine.

    The First Grade Princess

  66. I wish I could say no but my precious puggle has eaten too many things to count. The worst was my brand new prescription glasses. Very expensive dog mishap!

  67. Sorry, no dog mishaps. My cat really likes fleece blankets though...a little too much!

  68. No dogs here, but my cats have puked on a few of my school books (not to mention many other things). Pets=fun times.

    Too bad Cooper is too darn cute, hard to stay mad at him!

    Bitty Bilinguals

  69. The first time I took my bassett to school I found out he was (is) obsessed with eating crayons. Love your blog.

  70. My dog chewed up a pair of my sunglasses recently... oops!

  71. My dog got really mad at me and peed in my purse.


  72. I love planners, but I had never seen these before. They are so cute! I am very thankful that both of our rescue dogs do NOT chew things. :)

  73. I love planners but had not seen these before. They are so cute! I am thankful that our two rescue dogs do NOT chew on anything. I couldn't imagine life without dogs!

  74. I had never had any big mishaps with our dog. The worst thing she did was eat my dinner while I washed my hands. Nothing related to work. I was hungry afterwards...she was full :)
    My Second Sense

  75. The worst thing my dogs have eaten were stamps.

  76. The worst thing my dogs have eaten is stamps.

  77. A friend's dog ate the arm off my glasses when I was spending the night at her house. EEK!

  78. These planners look beautiful and organized...I usually use the one that the school give us which are plain and boring and then I quit using it. :)

  79. I guess I should read what you want me to answer first huh? :) My dog is really so sweet..It should be what did my cat do? lol....use it for a litter box...sleep on it and then have a hairball attack on it...lol...If it is important..then put it away and hide it well.. :)

  80. It’s hard to find knowledgeable people on this topic, but you sound like you know what you’re talking about! Thanks for sharing this with others.


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