10 August, 2013

ROOM reveal

Camera Dump! Classroom Reveal 2013-2014 I'm linking up with my sweet friend Tara to show off my Monday Made It. I put together my room! Yay it's almost done. I'm also link up for Classroom Digs (classroom tours)  for Teacher Week.

I found this sweet idea from Tammy. Check out her post here
I think building relationships is so important in all grades. I'm going to invite my students to let me know what's the buzz in their life.
When a child wants to tell me something or just chat I'll have them write it on a little post-it. I will be sure to make some time to discuss their latest buzz!
I also made some What's the Buzz discussion cards so I can get to know my new little ones that are coming next week.

Overall view this year

Word Wall 

Buzzing through the years- class pictures from previous years
Love book covers that double as seat pockets. $1 at Target.

Word Wall and Bee Binder Storage Area

Synonym Daisies plus reading area

Reading area

Stop It and Drop It- Students drop off money, notes to the teacher, etc.

All of my bee souvenirs are located in the bee basket. I get tons of bee stuff from my sweet students. See that Monster High  BEE Doll? It was from a sweet student last year. The students LOVE it.

Reading Area- Books sorted by genre and AR

Working with Words Table that doubles as a Math Station during Math Block.
Yellow mailboxes where handmade by wood. They are so sturdy!

Technology! We supposedly have wifi now. I can't wait to try it out!

This will be my writing center. I still need to add some more writing resources and anchor charts.

Love this! Students file notes, homework, etc.

Hobby Lobby ... of course I used a 40% off coupon

Bees- idea from Sarah Cooley

Best pencil sharpeners EVER!

Really want a black one! They now have great colors.
Love hiding junk under the fabric!

This is the best idea EVER! Who started the teacher toolbox? I'm in LOVE.

Made this wreath last summer

Bee Binder Storage! Hoping these vinyl numbers last!

Making a mess! Wouldn't have it any other way.

How I organize my math centers. I also do READ for Reading Workshop
R-Reading to Self
E- E- Learning ( technology)
A- At your seat ( phonics)
D-Daily Writing

Darling BEE from a sweet family last year!

Ready to snip when I hear Fire Marshall is on campus. LOL

Love the labels from Quite a Pear
Caddies from Target last season

Wire baskets from Wal-Mart many years ago. They hold folders for table groups.

Scout benches. Hold up to 300lbs. I have some AR books that need labeling hidden in there!
I can order SCOUT products if interested.

Thanks for taking a peek at my room! Here is a quick 7 second video if you haven't seen it!
I can't wait to see everyone's room reveals. It's the most wonderful time of the year!!!
Happy Teaching!


  1. Your room looks GREAT!! Love the bee theme and all the great yellow and black around the room!

    :) Tamra and Sarah
    First Grade Buddies

  2. Your classroom is AMAZING! I love the wire baskets you have hanging under the tables. What a great idea.

    Heather :)

    1. They work wonders. Wish I could still find them

  3. Your room is BEAUTIFUL! I love your color theme! GREAT JOB!!

  4. Un-bee-lievable! You have worked so hard and it looks amazing!!!
    Grade 4 Buzz

  5. LOVE your classroom. A lot of thought and dedication goes into a room so beautiful and welcoming. I can't wait to get into my room on Thursday.


  6. Bee-utiful!!! I can tell you've worked hard to make your room a bright and welcoming place for all your incoming students. Hope you have a great year!

  7. Wow, wow, wow! This is absolutely beautiful. I am SO impressed. :)


  8. Your room looks so great! I love how everything turned out!
    A Tall Drink of Water

  9. Love your room! It is beautiful and so inviting. I hope you have a great year!

  10. Your room looks UH-MAYYYY-ZINGGGG!!! If I didn't already spend a million dollars on my classroom I'd switch to yellow and black in an instant! Thanks for sharing your beautiful room :)

    Across the Hall in 2nd Grade

    1. Thanks Halle! After I see other classrooms I want a change too!

  11. You carry off your classroom theme "bee"utifully! My favorite part is the buzzing through the years chart. Too precious!

    The Polished Teacher

  12. This is so darling!

  13. Love your room!!! It's Beeeeeautiful!!

  14. Your room is incredible!!! I LOVE everything about it!!! amAzing!!!

  15. Gorgeous!! I love the wire baskets under the tables. It all looks fantastic!!

  16. Wow, Wow, WOW! SO many incredible ideas! I love your reading area in particular (so inviting for students) but the rest of your classroom is spectacular, as well! ~Deb
    Crafting Connections

  17. It looks BEE-autiful! I love the bright yellow and black - so cute! I love that you are ready to snip if the fire marshall shows up! LOL!

    1. Thanks Heidi! I need a code word. I don't like getting in trouble haha

  18. You just make me want to BEE you!!! It is BEE-U-ti-FULL
    Being the QUEEN BEE isn't Easy

  19. Your room is absolutely wonderful! I enjoyed seeing the pictures. Have a great school year!

  20. Your room is fabulous! I know your kiddos will love it!

    Go Fourth and Inspire

  21. Cute, cute, cute! I bought 30 jumbo book covers for seat sacks, but they didn't work the way I wanted to! :( So I returned them...and bought a laminator! :D

    Journey of a Beginning Teacher

    1. Yes... this year they are a little tight. Last years were better.

  22. I love SO many things about this room! I love the colors. I love the sign. I SUPER love the chalkboard labels on your teacher toolbox! Your room looks awesome!
    Diving Into 2nd Grade

  23. I'm singing "Get your shine on!" Your room looks fabulous-o. So clean and organized! What's hiding under the fabric? Are those Skittles on top of that shelf? I love Skittles! Give me some!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

    1. gumballs haha! When are you going to help me spray paint? I don't have too much junk because you have made me purge.

  24. What a fun learning environment! LOVE the color pallet. I also love your LARGE black and white alpha bet. Did you make that?


  25. Your room looks great!! Everything coordinates perfectly. Your students will love their new classroom!

    Primarily Speaking

  26. Un-bee-lievable! It looks so crisp and clean...you almost don't want to leave kiddos in! Kind of like when you clean your house after everyone goes to bed.
    It looks awesome!!! Have a great year!!! Enjoy the journey.

  27. Absolutely beautiful! I love it all! You have been busy:) The black and yellow is so sharp:) I remember when I saw it last year I considered doing everything over to match yours:) I told my friend and she checked yours out and did ladybugs, red, black, and white:) Your kiddos are so lucky to have you! Just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!:)

    4th Grade Frolics

    1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your colors too! Thanks Tara! I hope you have another fabulous week.

  28. Your room is absolutely amazing! I wish I could be in your class! It just looks like such a happy, inviting place. Great job! :)

    Fluent in Fourth

  29. Beautiful, as always!!! :) Thanks for being MY teacher this summer! I appreciate you taking the time to give me a lil instruction!! :)

  30. It is just beautiful! I am going in this week. You are amazing!!!
    ❀Beth Ann❀
    Taming My Flock of Firsties

    1. Thanks Beth Ann! I can't wait to see your pictures.

  31. Can I bee in your class? I love it! Those wire baskets are great-any idea if WalMart still has them? What a space saver! Fire Marshall here in Broward is a pain in the neck!

    1. I haven't seen them lately. Fire Marshalls are always a pain for teachers LOL :)
      Thank you

  32. Your room is bee-utiful! Simply gorgeous! Your kids are going to flip. :)

    Read With Me ABC

  33. How much are those Scout Benches? Too cute

  34. LOVE your room! I went with a bee theme a couple of years ago...it doesn't look half as great as your room:) I have found, too, that students bring me "bee" themed gifts and they just love it when I display them. Have a great year!


    1. Thanks Courtney! I hope you have a fabulous year as well.

  35. Your room is fabulous!!! Everything is so neat and tidy...love!

    1. Thanks Lana! Can't wait to see pictures of your room

  36. Your classroom looks great! We love your colors and theme! Everything ties in so well. Great job!!!

  37. Your room is fantabulous!! I love the bee theme and the colors are so soothing. The blue chairs int he reading area give a nice pop of color to the room! I know your students love learning in this room....I sure would. :)

    Blessings, Vicky
    Keep Calm and Imagine

    1. Thanks Vicky!!!! I was scared to put the blue but it does work :)

  38. Simply beautiful! I love all the details and organization! Where did you get that adorable pencil that is hanging on your front board? I also need to get some scout benches like those--amazing! Thanks so much for sharing! I can't wait to reveal my room this week!
    Rambling About Reading

    1. Thanks Jess. I can't wait to see your pictures.

  39. AMAZING!!!! Your room is so organized and inviting. I would have loved to be in this classroom when I was younger! :)

  40. Your What's the Buzz sign is a perfect adaptation. I'm honored that you mentioned my blog and my version. Thank you for sharing it with me as well as the rest of your great room!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. Thanks Tammy! I can't wait to use it. Thanks again for the inspiration.

  41. Your room looks AMAZING! I can only hope that mine will look half as good as yours (when I finally muster up the motivation to go into my classroom to get started!).

    Have a great week!
    Shafer's Shenanigans 

  42. Love your classroom theme! It's super classy (no pun intended)!

  43. Your room is wonderful. i've got some work to do! Your children are very lucky.

  44. WOW!! I am speechless!! Your room is so beautiful and organized. Your hard work sparkles throughout the room!

    Foreman Teaches

  45. I am just in love with your room!!! You are amazing and your kids are going to be so lucky to be in your room. What fun!


  46. Oh MY GOSH!! Your rooms is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! I am inspired for sure!

  47. Oh my word!!! Can I be in your class? I bet those kids walk into your room and love it! It looks amazing!!!

    The Adventures of Mrs. Tinez's Kids

  48. Your room is huge! What an amazing space! I first saw your classroom last year during the school girl style classroom decorating contest. It looks even more amazing than last year, I must say!! Just amazing!!

    Seconds at the Beach

  49. Your room is the bees knees! Simply beautiful! Love the theme.

  50. LOVE your room! So cute. We have similar styles, which is probably why I like it so much! LOL. I am a huge fan of your portable word wall. I used library pockets with magnets on the back, but I think I need a change :) Thanks! I am your newest follower.
    K&C Love Grade 3!

  51. Your room is fabulous
    Tiffani time4kindergarten.com

  52. Oh my gosh your room is sooo cute and would love to be learning in there. Love all your ideas and the bees are so cute. Good luck this year

  53. I am in LOVE with your room. My name (Melissa) means honeybee and love honeybee stuff but never took it to where you took it. Now I want to tear down my room and start all over again, but I think I will have to wait til next year! Awesome!

    Ms. Chae Charges In

  54. Your room is beautiful! Please come help me with mine:-)

    Chickadee Jubilee

  55. Ohmyword! Your room is so well put together! It is amazing!!


  56. I absolutely love your classroom!! My question is...would it be possible to get a copy of the letters you use for the portable word wall? This idea is just what I've been looking for...they would go beautifully in my Hollywood themed classroom. Thanks, Toni

  57. Can my children be in your class? Seriously--what a bright, happy learning space :)
    The Wild Rumpus

  58. Your room is awesome!!!! Where did you get that gigantic alphabet...I LOVE it...


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