04 March, 2014

Oh the Places You'll Go

How do you celebrate Read Across America Day? Some years I go all out and others years I keep it pretty simple. The one thing we ALWAYS have is guest readers. Some even dress up and the children LOVE this day! In the past, we’ve also spelled words with Grinch glue, tried green eggs and ham, and even went on a field trip to a Dr. Seuss play.  


Luckily this year we had some fun things planned. First we had the local high school drama club perform a pantomime. The kids were mesmerized. You'd be surprised at the support you can receive if you just ask and coordinate. Thankfully we had a sweet intern arrange for the high school to perform for all of K and 1st.

We also paraded around the school to celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday. First grade each chose a Dr. Seuss book and dressed like the characters or theme from the story. The rest of the school came out to watch and cheer. The onlookers were encouraged to cheer and boy they did! I had some of my first graders giving high fives and trying to through out Mardi Gras beads. Everyone seemed to really enjoy our little parade around campus. It was such a fun time. We can't wait to participate again next year.

My class chose the book Oh, the Places You’ll Go! We each wore a shirt from another place. We had globes taped on our backs and held signs from our "place."

Here are some other fun ideas
Sleep Book- Wear pajamas
The Cat in the Hat- Make hats and bow ties
Fox in Socks- Fox masks and crazy socks
There’s a Wocket in my Pocket- wear handmade pockets out of construction paper or fabric
500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins- wear crazy hats
Happy Birthday To You- birthday hats, balloons, and noise makers
Horton Hears a Who- wear elephant hats and carry the flower

I've also found some awesome songs for Dr. Seuss week. I'll leave you with these fun songs.

Vancemo has tons of great books made into fun songs. The students had fun singing along to all of them.

How did you celebrate Dr. Seuss this week?

Leave me a comment and I'll send my new behavior beads to 3 lucky winners.


  1. SO STINKIN' CUTE! The firsties all looked so adorable today. I had so much fun watchin' all of them parade around. Y'all did a great job organizin' the parade for the school! XOX
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  2. Adorable beads and ideas! We have a seuss quote I framed and put by my door as our launch. "Today was good, today was fun, tomorrow is another one!"

  3. We are celebrating in small ways in 2nd grade. We're reading about Seuss, writing about his books, and recalling the most beloved of them. I love your suggestions and the way that you use the camera in the classroom.

  4. This post is amazing. I love everything about it :) I'd love to be a fly on the wall in your classroom. What wonderful things to soak in!!!! Big hugs.

  5. Great pictures... I love the parade. Also thanks so much for adding pictures of kids with the photo booth props. I love seeing my products in action!

    Granny Goes to School

  6. Wow that is so awesome that you get to dress up and go all out. This is my first year back in elementary education, so I totally spaced it off. Next year I hope to be able to remember and at least read some great Dr. Seuss books to my students.
    Amy Decker - adecker@lasalle.pvt.k12.ia.us

  7. Oh my goodness!!! What a fun day!! It makes me really really wish I was with some littles to celebrate with!
    Short and Sassy Teacher

  8. I love that each class choose a book! So cute!

    Down the Learning Road

  9. Oh my gosh, so cute. I wish our school did this.

    Kinder Princess

  10. Looks like you all had SO much fun!! It makes me miss my old school, we always went all out to celebrate Read Across America Day (even us upper grade teachers). Unfortunately, my new school site didn't celebrate it this year.

    Fifth Grade Wit and

  11. I love your photos!! I really need to learn how to use my camera!!
    I've nominated you for a sunshine blogger award. You can check it out here


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