05 April, 2012

Fast and Easy

Fast and Easy
Mosaic Eggs and Sock Bunnies

I'm all about fast and easy when it comes to crafts. Here are two quick but cute spring crafts we've made this week. The sock bunnies were a HUGE hit. Even my little boys who think they are too cool for crafts loved them. They each made up a name and described where their bunny lived, what it eats, and more!
Mosaic Eggs and Sock Bunnies

Mosaic Eggs
Here's what you'll need:
  1. Construction paper
  2. Scissors
  3. Contact Paper
  4. Colored tissue paper cut into small pieces  
  1. Cut out an oval out of construction paper. I just happen to have a container shaped like an egg.
  2. Cut out and remove the inner portion of the egg leaving about an inch border.
  3. Cut out a piece of contact paper and peel the backing off.
  4. Lay the egg frame on top of the sticky side of the contact paper.
  5. Place pieces of tissue paper inside of the egg.
  6. When the egg is completely covered, lay another piece of contact over the egg.
  7. Trim off the excess contact paper.
  8. Punch hole and add ribbon.
  9. Hang egg by a window. 
Sock Bunnies
Here's what you'll need:
1. all white socks
2. Elmer's glue or hot glue ( I used hot glue)
3. googly eyes
4. rubber bands
5. 1 10 lb bag of rice makes 20 bunnies
6. pom poms (1 for the nose, 1 for the tail)


1. Cut the elastic banding from sock.
2. Fill one sock with rice about 2/3 full. This will be the body.
3. Wrap a rubber band tightly around the body portion.
4. Fill the head portion with rice about 1/3 full.
5. Band tightly with one rubber band.
6. Leave remaining two to three inches for ears.
7. Glue on eyes, nose and tail.
8. Cut ears down the middle.
Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Add eyes, nose, and tail!


  1. I love the bunnies!

    Come visit me if you get the chance! =)

    Heather's Heart

  2. Cute crafts! I'm a new follower, i'd love it if you stopped by my blog!

    Kaleigh's Klassroom


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