02 April, 2012

What if Everybody did that?

I just found out from the blog, Chalk Talk, that Maria Dismondy is hosting a linky party titled Make a Difference Monday. Make a Difference Monday will be on the first Monday of every month.  Each month, Maria will focus on a different character trait. I can't wait to get great resources from linking up. This month is EMPATHY and next month’s character trait will be RESPECT!

I’m going to share a great book that I found not too long ago, What if Everybody Did That? It’s a wonderful story that teaches students that every person’s choices- good- or- bad have some kind of consequence one way or the other. I have a couple of students who make bad choices during story time with not taming their volcano mouths or forgetting to ask for permission before they start a task. After reading this story, when a student is making a good choice or bad choice I sometimes say “ Wow, what if everybody did that?” It has really been a wonderful book about following rules and showing empathy towards others. I like this story because it shows students that they are not alone in this world. There are many other people. Now my students understand how their actions may affect someone else’s feelings.  

To read about other books and tips for teaching empathy, to link up and add your own ideas, and to enter to win a bag from Thirty-one Gifts, go to Maria's post Make a Difference Monday- Empathy.  


  1. LOVE this one . . . There's a simliar one called What if Everybody Did by JoAnn Stoval. Such a great way to teach empathy, switching places!


    The Corner On Character

  2. Thank you sooooo much for linking up! I love the blogger community! Together, we can share ideas so that parents and teachers have the tools to teach character to children. This way, children will have the tools necessary to feel safe and empowered in school! Can't wait to check this book out!

  3. Great ideas! I must go find this link up!! I'm so glad I round your blog, I'm a new follower :) I'm having a giveaway right now at my blog, if you get the chance I'd love to have you stop by and enter!
    The Resource(ful) Room

  4. Hi Michele:
    Thank you so much for leaving a comment on my blog! What a treat!
    I think I would love this book, and I am excited to check it out.
    I am REALLY glad I have discovered your site...

    Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  5. Sounds like a great book. I am glad to learn about it and will try to track it down.


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