08 July, 2012

Watermelon Water and $1 SALE

I have discovered the best little drink! Watermelon Water. Now I don't LOVE watermelon but I DO love this drink. It's so easy to make and very refreshing. All you need is watermelon, ice, and a blender. ENJOY!

Ms. M.  is having a really cool linky party over at her blog Ms. M's Blog. She actually posted it on the 4th of July but I'm a little late. 

Here are the four things I hope to fully implement this year. 
1. I've read Daily 5 and Cafe but I truly want to implement all the suggestions and tips next year. I'm loving all these book study linky parties. I also hope to learn new ideas in August from their conference.
2. Class Dojo- I played around with this site but never implemented with my class. I think it's going to be awesome!!! Class Dojo is a classroom tool that helps teachers improve behavior in their classrooms quickly and easily. It's a way to generate data on behavior through the use of technology. 
3. Scootpad- It is the ultimate way to engage students in mastering skills. Basically, Scootpad is a website where students can go to practice all of the Common Core standards for reading and math. Students can work at their own pace through the standards.   You should check it out too!
4. Have an Intern-I just finished completing all of my inservices and classes to have an intern. I'm super excited to have my very first student teacher in the fall. Any suggestions or tips?

I can't wait to share my Monday Made it! Check back tomorrow for the reveal.

P.S. I have just marked most of my items on TPT to $1. This SALE will last until Monday afternoon
 (July 9th, 2012)
I also would love to win this giveaway from Teaching with Love and Laughter! Check it out! You could win a Hearall recorder. I've been eyeing this all year.


  1. That looks really good. I may have t try that!

    Adventures in Room 5

  2. Mmm... now just add a little something that starts with a v and rhymes with nodka and some lemon juice... mmmm I might make some right now!! :)
    ❤ Sandra
    Sweet Times in First

  3. Yummm! That looks great!


  4. Mmm I love watermelon!! Sounds deeelish!!
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  5. The drink looks nice and refreshing.


  6. I'm not fussed on watermelon, but that drink sure does look good! Might have to try it when it warms up down here!

    Down Under Teacher

  7. I was never a fan of watermelon myself, but then recently I got a hankering. I use it to make a lemonade. I blend up the watermelon until I have three cups worth. Then I add one cup of lemon juice, and one cup of sugar. This is the concentrate. Put it in a gallon jug and add the remaining three quarts of water. Yummers! I've even blended some cantaloupe and honeydew in with it as part of the three cups of melon. Looooove it.

  8. I found classdojo the last few months of school--you're going to LOVE it! My kiddos did!! I also hosted my 1st student teacher this spring. It was a wonderful experience... I think you'll be surprised at how it helps you be a better teacher too!
    Have fun,
    Karen :o)
    Mrs. Stamp's Kindergarten

  9. I played around with class dojo too, but I'd love to really use it this year!


    Third Grade's A Charm

  10. Hi Michelle - Kalen from ClassDojo here. Thank you so much for mentioning us in your blog post - we all really appreciate the support and are excited to work with you next year! :)

    @Karen and Jackie - thanks for the kind words!! Let us know if there's ever anything we can do for you.

    Lastly, if anyone who comes across this blog post has any questions about ClassDojo or needs help getting set up, please don't hesitate to reach out at hello@classdojo.com :) Cheers!

  11. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Dojo and so do my kids!!! Stop by my blog to link up about first day procedures!!! It's my first linky EVER!!!!
    Mrs. Saunders' Lovelies


LOVE hearing from you!