06 July, 2012

Winner, Giveaway, and Linky Parties

WINNERS: Congratulations to Aimee, Jessica Stanford and Mrs. Lofgren to winning the back to school powerpoint. I'll be emailing it to you shortly. 
$2 til Sunday

I am linking up with Deb Thomas from Fabulously First . Deb is hosting a fabulous linky party about giving advice to first year teachers! All I can think about is I feel sorry for my first class. No really, each year gets better and better. I feel like I’m more organized and have more tricks and tips up my sleeve.
Be flexible-You will have to learn to go with the flow. I write lesson plans each week but I rarely follow them to a T. There are always teachable moments, special programs, fire drills and unexpected events that will happen throughout the day. Don't stress if you don't get everything accomplished on your plans. 

Document Everything- It's so important to document communication with parents, grades, absences, interventions, behavior etc. I am still learning how to efficiently record all documentation on each of my students. It will save you in the end!

Don't try to implement it all- You will see so many wonderful ideas from mentor teachers, blogs, pinterest, and in-services/professional development. Do NOT try to implement it all. Take back one thing. If you try to do it all, you will get overwhelmed and so will your students.  

Go home at a decent hour-My first year teaching I would stay up at school til about 7 p.m.. I would never get finished with what I wanted to accomplish and I was EXHAUSTED!  Well, guess what? You never will finish! I recommend leaving school before 4:00. Don't forget to take time for yourself. You will be exhausted but remember to EXERCISE. It will relieve stress! 

Beg, Borrow, and Steal- Your first year teaching is kinda sink or swim. To stay afloat, I recommend borrowing lessons, ideas, materials, and books from fellow co-workers. Don't forget to check out teaching blogs, TPT and pinterest for wonderful ideas.

Here's another fun linky party to check out! Tori, from Tori's Teacher Tips, is challenging everyone to do something really creative. You must submit a photo of you or your family members reading in a fun spot. Well, this is right up my alley!!! I have a really creative shot in mind but it will take me a couple of days. Here's one picture from today!


  1. Love your advice! Being flexible is SO important.

    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  2. Great advice! Everyone has such great words of wisdom with this linky! Love it!

    Coffee, Kids and Compulsive Lists

  3. Great adivce! I can remember by first year teaching staying late often and thinking as all these veteran teachers left by 3:30 "How do they do it? How do they get it all done?" Now I realiez you never get it all done!

  4. Great advice! I would get sucked in to staying late at school and I would be t work for 12 hours :( You will never get it all done and never implement everything you want to. It's important to have a healthy balance and remember to take care of your self.

    Sweet Seconds

  5. Great advice! I feel sorry for my first class too! :)

    Delighted in Second

  6. This is all great advice! I love reading all of these as I am a new teacher. Thanks for the tips!

  7. Yeah! I can't wait to use this for our "Meet the Teacher Night". I am so excited!!! :)

  8. So excited that I was one of the winners!!! Thanks so much!

    Pencils, Books, and Dirty Looks


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