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Help! End of the YEAR video

I need some help! I have accumulated tons of photographs but need help making a slideshow. I'm about to start making an End of the Year classroom video and want your opinion. In the past, I've used shutterfly and Animoto. Does anyone have a favorite program to create a video/slideshow? 
I've heard of 
and using my MAC.

I just want to do a little research before I spend any money on monthly subscriptions. Animoto used to provide educators with a free 6 months. My subscription just ran out and I need to reapply if they are still providing the free subscription. I'm very new to everything MAC but wouldn't mind learning if you recommend Photo-booth or iMOVIE. Please share your video making secrets. 

Thanks :)


Have you seen the lirpaloof?  I was getting bummed over the weekend because I looped with my class. Looping meant I couldn't pull  one of my April Fool's tricks from previous years. I was really disappointed that I couldn't do the awesome POP spelling quiz from Mrs. Bainbridge. It's still a favorite of mine. I also couldn't do the brown e's. Luckily, sweet Denise from Sunny Days had the perfect lirpaloof activity. OH.MY.WORD... I couldn't contain the laughter. My sweet second graders were all waving their carrots proudly singing "lirpaloof". You see we were very busy trying to catch a glimpse of this rare and elusive bird that feeds on carrots. You definitely need to give this little activity a try next year! It is a HOOT! THANK YOU DENISE and MRS. BAINBRIDGE for all the fun and laughter.

Getting our carrots ready for lirpaloof searching

"Lirpaloof, oh sweet lirpaloof" 

We even tried releasing our butterflies because lirpaloofs eat small insects, seeds and of course carrots!
So if you're in need of some April Fool's Day activities, grab the freebie from Denise by clicking here

Mrs. Bainbridge's April Fool's Day Spelling Test is also a keeper. Check out her post from last year.
Number 1- there  "There is going to be a lot of sun today"
Number 2- is  "Today is Thursday"
Number 3- really "I am really happy to be here today"
Number 4- no "The answer to your question is no"
Number 5- spelling "Spelling words correctly is important"
Number 6- test "This is a test"
Number 7- today "Today we are going to have a lot of fun"
8- happy  "I am so happy today is our Three Bears' Breakfast"
9- early  "I went to bed early last night"
10- April  "April 1st is Sunday"
11- Fool's  "Fools are people who do silly things"
12- Day  "We attend school in the day time"
13- ha  "The clown told a joke.  I said ha"
14- ha  (But, Mrs. Bainbridge, you just said ha!)  "The joke was so hilarious I said ha, ha"
15- ha  (Ummm... again, Mrs. Bainbridge?)  "The joke was too funny!  I said ha, ha, ha"