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Snow Globes and Reindeers

Have you read the book The Snow Globe Family? It's such a neat story and it really got my students writing today. The family that lives inside the snow globe is just like the family who owns the snow globe. The little family keeps wondering when will it snow. They long for a snowstorm. We used the prompt -If I lived in a snow globe.... My students were using some great adjectives and really trying to pull in their five senses. I was so impressed.

I think the original idea was Deanna Jump's idea found here. You know I love talking photos so I tweaked mine a little.  

Here is our version

1. I printed my photos 5 x 7 on my home printer and then used an x-acto knife to cut out the background.
2 Mod podge the photo to the clear plastic plate. I used gloss mod podge but I think matte would be better.
3. Add hole punched circles with mod podge. I just emptied my three hole puncher. 
3. Lightly paint an area using mod podge and sprinkle some glitter towards the bottom of the plate.
5. I free handed the base of the snow globe with scrapbook paper.
6. Hot glue snow globe base to the bottom of the plate and add ribbon up top for a hanger.

We also made these darling reindeer. It was a directed drawing found at Artventurous. It was super easy but oh so cute! We used watercolors instead of oil pastels. Click on the link to see the step by step directions.

What fun things have you been making this holiday season?


  1. You've convinced me to do both! I LOVED the snow globe activity! :)

    Sailing into Second

  2. These pictures are great, but they are even better in person! Cutest decorations I've seen at school. So very creative. I pinned them because I want to make these next year. We need to buddy up and do a big kid with little kid activity. No joke.
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  3. Did you take the photos of the children outside with pine trees in the background? It's hard for me to tell the background in the photo. It's a great idea!

  4. Do you know about Matt Wertz's song "Snow Globe"? It's one of my favorite Christmas songs!

  5. I received a Pintest email today with this post. I HAD to come see it! I'm not a teacher but I love snow globes and enjoy selling them in my eBay store. What a great idea to stir children's imagination!

  6. These are adorable! I shared them with my son's teacher and now his class is doing them. Did you mod podge the pictures to the front of the plate or the inside?


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