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Super Improver Wall

I'm linking up with my great friend Tara to share some things I've put together this past week. Nothing fancy but very effective! 

Monday Made It #1
This is my current AR goal tracker. Each child has their own individual goal and they move once they make progress. I tried the vertical chart with clips but now I'm just using these FREE ones from here. I just laminated everything and used sticky tack. It seems to really motivate the students and they have no idea that some students have goals of 18 points while others may only need 4 points. I love that this makes the contest fair. They are in perfect competition with themselves. 

Instasticks Free download
I printed two slides per page and they are smaller circles :)

Monday Made It #2
The Super Improver Story by WBT-
Two students have a foot race. The faster student wins and she gets an "A" from the teacher. The slower student loses and gets an "F". Every day, they have the same race. Every day, the result is the same. After a while, the fast student loafs and the slow student quits. Of course! The grading system is unfair and doesn't motivate either kid! The teacher creates a new race. Now, the fast student only gets an "A" when she beats her previous best time. Same with the slow student. Now, each student always runs as hard as possible!

Have you heard of the Super Improver wall by Whole Brain Teaching? I needed something to help a special friend so I watched an awesome video that convinced me to give it a try. Basically a Super Improver Wall is a system that is purely positive. It's a concept that is fair because students have a perfect competitor... themselves. It helps students to visually see their behavior and academic goals. Students are rewarded with stars for showing improvements in both academics and behavior. Every child has their own personal goal so it’s an individualized plan.

Students can earn stars for many things because everyone can make progress. Students are striving to make individual improvements in any classroom activity. It might be increasing a grade on a test or remembering to be prepared for class. It can be even little improvements such as neater handwriting or staying in their seat throughout the day. The improvements are truly endless and differentiated for each student .

When students show improvement, they receive a star on their name card. 10 stars= advance to the next level. There are 10 levels in the system so children would need 100 improvements to make it to the top level. When a child meets a goal,  I am just coloring in a star on their card. I think only 2-4 students actually make it to the top level by the end of the year. If they do.... you make a huge deal! I plan on putting their picture on my wall for my future students to see.

My favorite part of the system is it challenges every kid at every level. It encourages students to go beyond their personal best. They can’t get lazy because they have personal records to beat. This system allows every student an equal chance at success. I’m noticing that with my high achieving kids I’m setting more academic goals. It’s really caused them to become motivated in meeting their goals in subject areas. I highly recommend watching the entire video right here. Do you use the SIW? I'd love to see how you use it in your room.

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Looking for a fun St. Patrick's Day treat? We made some leprechaun pudding to help us try to catch that wee little mischief- maker.

1 can of crushed pineapples
1 box of pudding (pistachio or banana cream)
1 container of cool whip
I cup of marshmallows


  1. Thanks for sharing how this works in your classroom. I loved it when you posted a pic to Instagram. I can't wait to give this a try!!
    A Tall Drink of Water

  2. LOVE that you explained this. I am currently in my room right this second and contemplating changing it up for the rest of the year. My group is not a clothespin type of crowd and we moved on from those a month ago.

    Enchanted Kinder Garden

  3. I love the white cards that you created for the students. Are you planning on selling those?

  4. I need you to make a long string of ribbons like that! I want them around a string of lights...summer project? Love your A.R. board. I just do a chart that I project. I need to actually hang something up like you have! Love! Great idea for the Super Improver Wall. Looks great!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  5. I'm with Alison....I want the ribbon string too!!!!! Love your spin on the AR board:) May try that for next year. The Super Improver Wall looks awesome but will have to be pinned for next year...as soon as I get it up I would have to rip it down for our silly state tests:/ Thanks for linking up friend:))) Love it all as usual:)

    4th Grade Frolics

  6. WOW. Add me to the love-the-ribbons list! Love those!
    Now I'm off to learn more about the Super Improver Wall. Thanks for sharing links and great ideas...

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  7. I love, love your ribbon garland. I need to make one of those.

    Kinder Princess

  8. I've never used WBT before, but I really like this idea of the Super Improver Wall. A great way to motivate all students!

    Sara :)
    The Colorful Apple

  9. I am amazed at all the great ideas. This school year promises to be a tough one and your knowledge has given me hope! Thank you for taking the time to share all of your experience. I don't know how you do it!

  10. I was wondering if you would share your super improver star cards! I love yours!

    1. I was wondering the same thing. I could very easy print on colored paper - but I like the size and layout of yours. Thanks for considering!

  11. I love your AR board also and the Super Improver board. I would also be interested in getting the cards you use--perfect size. I am imaging your students all have different individualized goals for the super improver wall. How do you keep track of all their goals and their progress? Thanks for the great ideas!!


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