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Making 10 Card Trick

This is a fabulous game/trick for a math center. The students just love trying to make a 10 and it's great practice making 10s. The students would much rather play this trick than completing worksheets any day in my classroom. I think it would be great for 1st or 2nd grade.

For this game you use one deck of cards but remove the jokers.
Face cards- King, Queen, Jack, all equal 10
Ace= 1

The object of the game is to make sums of 10.

First have someone secretly remove two cards and place to the side. (addends) The addends must be greater than 10 when added together. For example, a student could have removed a 6 and a 7. Do not remove face cards or 10s. These two cards will be the missing addends in the very end of the trick.

The students start  by placing three cards out on the table. If a 10 can be made you will cover the two cards that equal 10 ( 2/8, 3/7, 4/6, 5/5, A/9) with cards from the stack. Since Kings, Queens, Jacks, and 10s all equal 10 you only cover them with one card. If a 10 can not be made start a new stack.

When all the cards have been laid out in stacks. You will then find the missing addends that make 10. These groups will be added together. There will be two extra stacks that don't equal 10. The missing stacks that don't make a 10 are the missing addends to the cards the student secretly removed from the beginning.

Here is a little video of my nieces playing this game. This was the first time showing them so it's not perfect.


Last Minute Mother's Day Crafts

Mother's Day seems to always sneak up every single year. I'm usually in a panic to get together a cute craft. This year we simply ran out of time. Today I decided to make it quick and easy. Each student made a coupon booklet, smilie booklet, portrait, and bookmark. If you're in need of any last minute ideas you can download my Mother's Day packet for FREE or I found some really cute items in Precious Parents by Cara Carroll. I also have a Mum edition and Grandmother's edition for students who may have other caregivers. I hope everyone has a wonderful Mother's Day weekend. Check back tomorrow and I'll announce the winner of my little giveaway.


We will ROCK you FIVE for Friday

Love Five for Friday with Doodlebugs teaching. Here are our WEEKLY HIGHLIGHTS.

We had so much fun studying rocks the past two weeks. We started by reading Let's Go Rock Collecting. They had so much fun collecting rocks in egg cartons. We also watched some cute videos on youtube and ended the unit with yummy ROCK food. I think metamorphic was a huge hit.

We also completed the gallon man and watched a neat video on Gallon Land. 

I did a little shopping for End of the Year gifts for teachers and volunteers. Bath and Body works has some great new scents and some great SALES.

Since FCAT is over we can finally have recess again! We love the new gym equipment from Lakeshore Learning.

I had $49 from Office Depot Teacher Rewards so I bought some new pens and post its. What's your favorite school supply? Leave me a comment for a chance to win some extra goodies I have picked up this week. I'll pick one winner on May 10th. 



Where does the time go? It's May so you know what that means.... Farley's famous Currently post. I am ready to start my summer bucket list. I'm really excited about Monday Make Its because I'll actually have time to craft which is ALWAYS a fun time :) I'm also really excited to take some road trips and document my memories.