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I'm a SUCKER for you!

I am linking up with 4th Grade Frolics  for my Valentine Monday made it. I honestly have been out of the classroom so much with ice days and professional development that I haven't had time to take pictures and create fun crafts. Anyway, our class will be celebrating Valentine's Day on Friday with a sugar cookie decorating party. It's always a fun time.  I can't wait to take some snapshots. I needed a little something from me so I hit up Target last night. I found these cute heart suckers at Target for $1. I decided they would be something special to put in the student's V-Day bags.
Here is the free download if interested. 

My next Monday Made It is one of my most favorite activities to do with the students. I LOVE self directed drawings. Sometimes it's a class reward and other times I tie it in with standards. We've had a blast this year learning how to draw some pretty neat drawings. Have you heard of 
 Art for Kids Hub It's a really awesome resource to bring in creativity into the classroom. I fell in LOVE with this site when I saw Alison's monkeys.
It's super easy for children to follow because the artist usually has
a YouTube video for students to get step-by-step instructions. Rob is so kind when he's working with his own children. I want to be like ROB when I grow up!
Rob Jensen also has a Pinterest page that you may like to follow!

Today we drew these darling raccoons with the help of Rob. We also watched videos and read some articles on raccoons. It was a great way to bring in some non-fiction reading and writing skills for my first graders. They were so motivated to write facts after they participated in the drawing.

I'm off to check out more Monday Made Its. Thanks Tara for the linky.