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Samson's Classroom Giveaway

Last week flew by! Students started on Tuesday. I can't to post pictures but lately I've been learning our new reading adoption, Wonders. Does anyone have any awesome Wonders tips for me? I'd greatly appreciate it. 

The main reason for blogging today is the fact that I have an awesome giveaway. I just love Samson's classroom and you will too!

 I am so happy to be able to do a giveaway for a year subscription to Samson's Classroom ($80 value).  It's one of my favorite websites for learning sight words, spelling words and reading comprehension.  The giveaway will last until Monday. If you aren't the lucky winner then you will be so EXCITED because Samson's Classroom has agreed to provide $70 off.The promo code RMN3(as in "Run Miss Nelson") will give you $70 off a classroom plan until October. THANK YOU Samson's Classroom.

That's only $10 for a full access account . I would totally pay even the $80 because it's that good.

click on the above image to check out the video that explains this wonderful site.

  • We love all of the portions but my favorite portion for my 1st graders is the reading passages.  The reading passages are divided up into different levels.  Students are asked to read a passage and answer comprehension questions about their reading.  If a student answers incorrectly, the program is great about highlighting the area of the passage where the answer can be found.  I like this because it forces students to go back and reread to find the correct answer.  I love that they are actually looking back in the passage to make sure their answers are correct because they want to earn "hammer swings"!  If they miss a question they earn less hammer swings. Hammer Swings are just a fun incentive at the end.  

This little boy earned a  black belt from Samson's Classroom. He LOVED earning this recognition. Samson's classroom is so wonderful to work with. They sent him a black belt, a certificate and featured him in their newsletter. 

Please follow Samson's classroom on fb  and tell them I sent you to be entered into the giveaway. 

Thank you to everyone who entered the Samson's Classroom Giveaway! Congratulations to Lori for winning the year subscription! Don't forget to use the code RMN3 to receive a year subscription for only $10.00. That's $70 off.

Leave me a blog comment stating you left them some love and don't forget to leave your email address so I can contact you if you are lucky!
Good Luck. Winner will be announced Monday!


  1. I would love to win this! I likedthem on Facebook! Learningbytheseashore@gmail.com

  2. Would love this! I've taken advantage of your code the last 2 years. :) Liked on FB.


  3. I would love to win this! I'm an existing FB fan of theirs!


  4. Would love to win this for my little girl....I liked them on fb..

  5. Would this site be suitable for 3rd graders or is it more for beginning readers? I'm hoping so - love the highlighting the passage to show them how to find that text evidence! I liked them on FB. JWtchr@comcast.net

  6. Thanks for sharing this resource. I would love to win this and give it a try! Have a great school year.

  7. I would love to win this!! I am also new to the wonders series this year! Vcorujo@dadeschools.net

  8. I would love this!!! I liked and left a comment that you sent me over :) aknrjn36@yahoo.com

  9. Your new blog design is sooo cute! I'm happy for you!
    Teaching and Much Moore

  10. Lori- check your email! You are the lucky winner. Thanks for entering everyone ;)

    1. Thanks so much!!! I can't wait to use this.


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