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Holiday Market Ideas

It's almost December which means I need to start planning for our First Grade Holiday Market. For the next two weeks our classroom will be turned into a factory of sorts. I'm still debating on a few last minute items to make. It's the best way I have found to teach our social studies standards on economics. 

I happen to love Market Days because it gives me a chance to get crafty. We do this every year. I've done Market days in the winter and also in the spring. After we do a week long unit on my Consumers and Producers we break into groups to create a product or service to sell. Comment below with your favorite craft for a chance to win the packet.

Here are some goods we've sold in the past:
chocolate dipped pretzels
chocolate dipped spoons
handprint ornaments
wrapping paper (butcher paper stamped with stamps)
hot chocolate

Most items are around $1. This way the students don't have worry too much about change. We do it as a grade level but you could easily do it as a class. You can invite parents, teachers, other students or have it just within your class.

We usually plan about a week getting organized, producing our product, and marketing our store. I show my students videos about starting a business. Our library has a great selection. The students also hung up advertisements around campus to drum up business. Last year my class raised over $300. We donated the money to a local charity. There are so many different twists you can do with Market! 

I have a cute booklet on tpt that covers wants, needs, goods, services, consumers, producers and income that I'd like to giveaway to three lucky followers. Just leave me a comment with your favorite holiday craft.