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Holiday Market Ideas

It's almost December which means I need to start planning for our First Grade Holiday Market. For the next two weeks our classroom will be turned into a factory of sorts. I'm still debating on a few last minute items to make. It's the best way I have found to teach our social studies standards on economics. 

I happen to love Market Days because it gives me a chance to get crafty. We do this every year. I've done Market days in the winter and also in the spring. After we do a week long unit on my Consumers and Producers we break into groups to create a product or service to sell. Comment below with your favorite craft for a chance to win the packet.

Here are some goods we've sold in the past:
chocolate dipped pretzels
chocolate dipped spoons
handprint ornaments
wrapping paper (butcher paper stamped with stamps)
hot chocolate

Most items are around $1. This way the students don't have worry too much about change. We do it as a grade level but you could easily do it as a class. You can invite parents, teachers, other students or have it just within your class.

We usually plan about a week getting organized, producing our product, and marketing our store. I show my students videos about starting a business. Our library has a great selection. The students also hung up advertisements around campus to drum up business. Last year my class raised over $300. We donated the money to a local charity. There are so many different twists you can do with Market! 

I have a cute booklet on tpt that covers wants, needs, goods, services, consumers, producers and income that I'd like to giveaway to three lucky followers. Just leave me a comment with your favorite holiday craft.  


  1. Hi there,
    You are doing one of my favourite crafts....the snowman ornament with the pompom earmuffs.....I use the fake snow that can be bought in a bag at the dollar store instead of marshmallows. The other one that I love comes from an old craft book, but I know you can find it on pinterest....the children use their hands to create an angel! First they get yellow paint on one hand and place it down, then white paint on both hands and those hands go on either side of the yellow to create the wings....I do it with fingers down. They 'finger paint' a head using a pink paint and then add brown fingerprints for the hair. We do it over a few days to allow dry time and to avoid too big of a mess....24 kids, you know!
    I would love the little 'wants and needs' booklet, if you pick me!

  2. I love making magnets with kids. They mod podge whatever picture to a clear stone and then put a magnet on the back.

    We will do economics in the spring and they are going to a plant sale for Mother's Day, but we have no unit, we have to make up our own. This would be a big help!
    Journey of a Substitute Teacher

  3. I LOVE the snow globe ornaments made from the plastic plates. So dang cute and a parent's dream come true! What a treasure to have on the tree.

    Granny Goes to School


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