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Winner...and more!

Thank you for following this new blog. The Target gift card winner is Kimberly Santana. But don't worry, I just love giveaways so when I hit 100 followers I'm giving away a custom rubber stamp. I have three for my class and use them all the time. All my classroom books are stamped and it comes in handy! Fortunately, when a student leaves one on the bus or lying around campus, I can spot them! Here is a sample of one you can choose.

This month has been all kinds of CRAZY! We have been on three field trips, had two picture days, an art show, school musical, Book Fair, Read-A-Thon Day, Science Fair and I'm probably forgetting some other events that threw off the structure/routine of the day. Just wondering how many field trips do you go on and what cool places? At our school some great places are off limits because other grade levels have claimed them.
At the beginning of the month we saw the play SkippyJon Jones. It was wonderful. I just found this cute little writing over at Lesson Plan Diva
I'm off to celebrate my birthday today! All of my items in my TPT store will be set at $1.00 until 5:00 p.m. 
Hope everyone has a relaxing weekend and if you're on Spring Break-- I'm super jealous!

$25 Target Gift Card

Soooo since I'm new to blog land, I didn't really have all the details of the giveaway squared away. I will choose a winner on Friday, March 30th. I've been eyeing cute Easter eggs and white chocolate M & M's from Target so I figured a $25 gift card would be fun. All you have to do is add me on FB and follow my tpt store. You only need to leave one comment. If you’ve already commented on my previous post I have you down. I also took off the word verification because it makes commenting so much easier. Thank you very much for showing me some love. I will get busy taking pictures of all the fun things we’ve been doing in class.
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Click here for my tpt store!

Teachers Pay Teachers

This weekend gave me a chance to play around with teachers pay teachers. I've created some spelling and word work packets and a few others for teachers pay teachers. I have taken the best 24 hands on activities and created tasks cards and recording sheets for spelling and word work. I hope they are useful in other teacher's classrooms. I know my kids love them. I would like to have my first giveaway. I will be giving away any 2 units from my tpt store along with a $25 Target gift card. All you will need to do is like my fb page and become a follower of my tpt store. Don't forget to leave one comment saying you followed my tpt store and fb page.

Click here to follow my tpt store!
Click here to follow me on fb!