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Listening- The sound of the fan! It's really nice not having any background noise at the moment.

Loving- I'm super excited for our Disney Trip. It's always a good time and this will be a first for my nieces and nephew.

Thinking- Report Cards are due tomorrow! Yikes! I'll be entering grades after school. 

Wanting- I really want a blue radiance peel. I had one in October and it did wonders for my skin. I also need some more Jane Iredale mineral makeup. It's my favorite.

Needing- It was spring break last week so I stayed up entirely too late. I need to get to bed.

Advice for Life- Take lots of pictures! 
click on photo for credit source

Link up with Farley! 


Five for Friday with Giveaways

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching to share 5 random pictures of my week!
You should join! I also have lots of fun goodies to giveaway because I'm celebrating my 1 year blogging anniversary. I started this blog last Spring Break and it's been so much fun.  

Spring Break has officially started! I ordered the best flip flop foot repair back in January. They are all natural and smell DELICIOUS! I'd love to give three away so leave me a comment with your favorite brand of flip flops and you may be a lucky winner.

We've been studying plant cycles in class so I ordered some really fun garden sets. Everything you need is right inside. They have grown so much within the first week. I'm transferring them to bigger pots this week. I'd also like to give three away! Leave me a comment with your favorite flower for a chance to win a kit.

Can't wait to hang out with these cuties for the week! We'll be visiting the zoo and Gulf World (smaller version of Sea World)

I made some super easy cookies! Nutter Butters dipped in white chocolate. I used orange tic- tacs cut in half for the nose and blue gel icing for the eyes! They were a huge hit!

Share a smile! These little guys arrived and I can't wait to incorporate them in the classroom. The story behind Seeds of Happiness is so sweet and touching. I have tons of smiles to giveaway! Leave me a comment with what makes you smile for  chance to win a bag of smiles.

I'll be back later this week to announce the winners!

Silent Speedball and more!

Linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching!
 1. Native Americans- Didn't have time to cover near Thanksgiving but loving it right now. They loved making wampum necklaces, navajo pouches, and symbol writings.

2. We completed some activities from The Teacher Wife's Action Verbs packet. They also just love this song.

3. Silent Speedball- This game is an awesome brain break. The students LOVE it. The way we play is use a soft foam/sponge ball. The object of the game is to throw the ball to one another in no particular pattern. Last one standing wins! When you say go, players begin to toss the ball around the room. They should make eye-contact with the person they intend to throw the ball to. Also, everyone should have a chance to have the ball. 

If you talk, you're out!
If you make an uncatchable throw, you're out!
If you don't catch a good throw, you're out!
If you complain in any way, you're out!

Stay by your chair and speed is a factor!

4.  Spent some quiet time Friday afternoon at our local State Park. It's simply beautiful. 

5. I'm OVER lice. Too many of our 2nd graders are going home with lice. Do you have a nit free policy? Any tips! 

Off to check out other weekly highlights


Five for Friday

 I’m linking up with Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday even though it's Sunday. I have been trying to limit my computer time. :)

1. Social Studies- American History and American Biographies. The 2nd grade performed for their parents. They did a wonderful job.

2. Science- We've been extra busy studying the phases of matter! They've had a BLAST. 

3. Fancy Nancy Parade- Our 4th graders paraded around the gym with awesome vocabulary words. We are loving the thesaurus right now. 

4. All of my extra time has been spent with my nieces and nephew!

5. Have you seen TOUCH?
It's my new favorite show. I watch it every Friday night. 


Wow! March is here. I'm linking up with Farley for her famous currently linky. The month of February flew by. I am currently trying to figure out how to use my new computers. I made the switch to MACs but have not had the chance to sit down and figure out all of the neat features. I haven't been able to create freebies and items because I need to find all of my files. I miss my DELL only because I was comfortable with the operating system and locating all of my files. Now my files, fonts, pictures, etc are not at my fingertips. I guess I have a major job this summer. 

I can't wait til Spring Break and April because the whole family is going to Disney World. My two sisters and parents will be renting a villa on Disney property. I can't wait to see how excited my niece and nephew are at Magic Kingdom. I went in February and got a great 4 day hopper pass for under $125. It pays to live in Florida. 

Like- Mexican Food- Margaritas and Queso YUM!
Love- Massages especially facials
Hate- misfeeds in the printer and copy machine 
Is it just me or does your school copier get paper jams?

Have a wonderful week! I've missed everyone! I'll be back later to share 5 random pictures.