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Listening- The sound of the fan! It's really nice not having any background noise at the moment.

Loving- I'm super excited for our Disney Trip. It's always a good time and this will be a first for my nieces and nephew.

Thinking- Report Cards are due tomorrow! Yikes! I'll be entering grades after school. 

Wanting- I really want a blue radiance peel. I had one in October and it did wonders for my skin. I also need some more Jane Iredale mineral makeup. It's my favorite.

Needing- It was spring break last week so I stayed up entirely too late. I need to get to bed.

Advice for Life- Take lots of pictures! 
click on photo for credit source

Link up with Farley! 


  1. How lucky that you're just getting off of Spring Break! My spring break was two weeks ago already!! I found you on Farley's Currently, your blog is so cute! :)


    Surviving the Little People

  2. I love the picture you posted to go along with your advice. Pictures can capture so much, great advice!

    Teaching Tales Along the Yellow Brick Road

  3. Love your advice! There are so many times I do something and forget pictures. I share your sentiment of going to bed earlier!

    Mary Beth
    Run Teacher, Run

  4. My spring break has been timed so great with the holiday and the currently. I'm able to blog hop and check out your blog and others again. I love your advice, I really need to have my camera out and ready a few times a week.


  5. I laughed when I saw your camera picture. My kids are always asking me why I take so many pictures. One of them once asked me if I was a photographer 'on the side'.
    My Second Sense

  6. Stopping by to check out your Currently! I just ended my two week spring break too! I always stay up WAY too late...and it is so hard to get back on schedule!

    Waving from The Teacher's Chatterbox

  7. Disney World?!?! How fun! Have a wonderful time. :) Love the advice - pictures are always the best.

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

  8. I've been staying up too late all week too. And I'm subbing all week, so I think it's going to be a long and tiring one!

    Journey of a Substitute Teacher

  9. A trip to Disney World sounds fabulous! Enjoy! We have been on spring break too, and I've had several late nights. It will be so hard to get back into the work routine. Love your advice!


  10. What kind of peel????? Does it hurt? I'll have to check out that makeup....I haven't heard of it but love me some good makeup:))) We just did our report cards last week....ugh...the school year is going by fast!!!

    4th Grade Frolics

  11. I just got off of spring break too. You'll be close to me when you go to Disney. It is so fun, been there more times than I can count.
    Primary Paradise

  12. I love your blog design and name... so cute and colorful! I've never had a peel of any kind, but it kinda sounds nice! We have our spring break next week... so glad I found you through Farley... I'm your newest follower! :)
    Funky Fresh Firsties

  13. Hello, hello -- I bet you will have a blast at Disney...we are going this summer to Disneyworld...thanks to TPT. Enjoy and how fun for your nieces and nephews.
    Vicky :o)
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After


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