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Circus Fun! Freebie! And MORE!

I am so excited that tomorrow is our last day of school. The best part... it's a half day. Now I am going to miss the students but I'm not going to miss the alarm clock.The reason I'm so excited is I can link up for the weekly Monday Made Its and Currently's on time! It's always  fun to see the wonderful and creative ideas by all of the awesome teachers/bloggers. Monday Made Its became my favorite obsession last summer.

Today I'm linking up some ideas that I used for my nephew's classroom. I don't have children so I just use my nephew and pretend he's mine! I loved helping get things together for his End of the Year Party for Pre-K. It was a circus/carnival theme. It's always fun doing a carnival theme because you can find some easy games and ideas on Pinterest.  For his teacher's gift, we made a cute little banner. I'm making one for me this week for my Brag Tags. Heads up : Ribbon at Hobby Lobby is 50% off this week. Also most of the cute carnival stuff can be found at Hobby Lobby and Michael's. I even got the masks for .50 each. For the month of June I am allowing free downloads to my editable circus and chevron labels! ENJOY




I'm off to check out the other neat projects on Tara's Monday Made It Linky and Farley's Currently. I'll definitely be back next week with some more fun ideas.


  1. Love these ideas. Thank you for the freebie. My end of the year came May 23rd. Have to admit, that I took a 30 minute nap today. You will be able to soon.
    Primary Paradise

  2. Such a fun party! Thanks for sharing the circus labels! I need to go check out Florida Georgia Line! Everyone keeps on saying how fabulous they are!

    The Polished Teacher

  3. Love those ideas! Thanks for sharing! I love "Get your shine on!" Great summer song! Enjoy your summer!


  4. Aww I love the idea of a themed party for the end of year celebrations. This is only my second year of teaching so I'm finding lots of amazing ideas with this link party!

    Lifelong Learners in Prep


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