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Stash It Giveaway

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving break. We had a blast in North Carolina and I even did all of my Christmas shopping. Y'ALL, I'm so bad... I already starting handing out gifts as soon as we arrived home. I can not keep secrets. I guess I'm going to have to purchase more gifts on Christmas Eve. That's the ONLY way I can keep the gifts a secret.

The nieces and nephews got some new pajamas and some nostalgic toys from an awesome store in Asheville. If you haven't visited Asheville... we highly recommend it! It's our favorite city.

Sisters received some new wine glasses and some of these handy bags that you can carry in your purse.   I feel in love with LOVE REUSABLE BAGS. They even do school fundraisers. You wouldn't believe how much fits inside each sack.

The bags are perfect for teachers, coworkers and parent volunteers. I love that if you order from the Gwaltney pattern the company gives a sack to the fijikindeproject . AWESOME charity by the way!

This is the Fiji Kinde Project from Fiji Kinde Project on Vimeo.

Fiji Kinde Project sends teams of educators to develop early childhood education throughout the villages of the Fiji Islands. One by one, village by village, they have already established close to 70 Kindes, impacted over 1500 children and trained over 200 teachers. By chance, volunteers for Fiji Kinde took our bags on a trip in 2010. The durability, compactness, and water resistance of the STASH IT convertible tote was ideal for students and teachers in Fiji... great for carrying books and supplies in wet and rugged conditions.

Your contribution in purchasing a unique Gwaltney print will send a very useful product to these kids and teachers.

Want to win a Stash It Tote? I have two stash it totes to giveaway. I just need your help. What can I get my husband and father for Christmas. Men are so hard to buy for.... do you have any good ideas? Leave a suggestion below for your chance to win a LOVE REUSABLE BAG. If you would like to place an order type the code MISS NELSON in the discount code.

Winners - Alison and Michelle Jaquillard- Congrats


  1. One year I got my Dad beers from around the world from World Market - I think it was 6 bottles from all different countries. He really liked it! Good luck though - men are definitely hard to buy for! =)

  2. A go-pro camera! Combine your love of photos with a guy's love of adventure and capture some fun memories. :-)

  3. A Basis watch would be great if they are into fitness.

  4. Your dad: plan a dad & daughters day to spend the day together
    Mr. Nelson: Go Pro, fruit & kale, masculine apron, Polo hoodies, running shoes, sunglasses, Sparkling Ice, new truck, a desk to match yours, and Milk & Honey
    Bad dog: a new kennel
    Sweet dog: a cozy bed that Bad dog can't get into
    Did you get me Christmas pajamas too?
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

    1. Alison- You are the best!!!! Love all of your ideas especially the KALE and new kennel. I sure did miss you this past week. I'll come see you tomorrow.

  5. Men are hard to buy for! I like the idea of a digital picture frame.

  6. Totally agree with you that men are hard to buy for! I love, love, love the idea of the digital picture frame..I might have to take that to buy for my daddy. This would be great and he loves pictures!


  7. I love that's bags... Love it so much

    Great giveaway / contest.
    I hope I can have similar giveaway like this too.
    Hope everyone enjoy it. Good luck.


  8. As far as gifts for men go, I often give food or gift certificates for food!

  9. If your man likes action and adventure like my hubby does...buy him a helmet cam. My hubby doesn't know it yet but he is getting one for his snowmobile helmet and/or motorcycle helmet.

  10. Is that the Biltmore estate behind your husband on the first picture? It sure looks like it. We visited NC about 10 years ago during the spring and it was so beautiful there. I love all the snow on the ground. Living in Louisiana that doesn't happen to often, I am sure you know what I mean since you live in Florida.


  11. I do gift certificates for everyone. Then you can never go wrong! :)

  12. Those bear-bottom jammies are too cute!

    I can share some things on my husband's list: beer-brewing kit, re-useable chopsticks, watches, cozy robe & slippers, woodworking tools, wine decanter, and the helmet cam another person mentioned!

  13. I cannot wait to visit The Biltmore. I have always wanted to go over the holidays.
    LOVE the bear bump!
    My Second Sense

  14. We are going to take a field trip to Biltmore with my 5th graders Thursday. I can't wait to see the kids' faces when they see the manor for the first time.

  15. My hubby loved getting an iPad. Kind of spendy but he uses it everyday!

  16. Last year I got my husband a heated mattress pad from Amazon. He said that besides marrying him, it was the best gift I'd ever given him!

  17. i always buy my husband bourbon...or possibly an apple gift card. my dad is getting a "nest home thermostat" this year!

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