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Spoonful of Sweetness

Maria Dismondy is a #1 best-selling children's book author, former teacher, and highly sought-after speaker. Why do I LOVE Maria so much? Maria has a passion for spreading an anti-bullying message and making a difference in her writing, public speaking, blogging and charity work. She shares simple lessons, crafts, activities, traditions and books to use when working with young children to help them develop healthy habits and tools to use on their social-emotional journey in friendships and life in general.  Maria has great advice and tips for educators and families on her website and blog

Spoonful of Sweetness is her 5th children's book. I LOVE them all. They are some of my most favorite reads in my first grade class. I was so happy to have a chance to review Spoonful of Sweetness. It's a perfect board book for children 0-3 years of age. I shared this sweet story with my two nieces and nephew. I love that this story teaches kindness, friendship, responsibility, empathy, respect and courage. I know even my first graders have a hard time describing responsibility, respect and empathy. This book easily explains them all. Speaking of manners....have you seen this checklist of 25 manners every kids needs to know by age 9? Manners are HUGE for me. How about you?

Maria Dismondy - Award Winning Children's Book Author from Zara Creative on Vimeo.

Would you like to win an autographed copy of her new book? It's just perfect for babies. Leave me a comment on your favorite character education read aloud or how you incorporate character education in your classroom. Don't forget your email address ;) Winner will be announced on January 27th!


Monday Made It

I'm sitting here on my last day of break writing thank you cards to my students. I'm also going to be linking up with Tara for Monday Made It. For my thank you cards I didn't just use any old thank you card, instead I ordered my cards from Shutterfly using a 40% off coupon. I'm loving the way they turned out. I couldn't be happier!!!! I ended up paying less than $1.00 for each one by the time I used codes and coupons. I also ordered my sister some notepads from tinyprints. I'm addicted to both sites.

I'm going to be taking more pictures soon so I can make Valentine's Day cards for our parents. 
Here is my plan:

My next Monday Made It was a home edition. I'm on a fitness kick for the new year. I'm hoping my project will help me accomplish my goals I have set for 2014. Did you set any goals?

Have you ever planned in your mind to lose weight, but your body seems to be acting on its own, craving foods you know are not what you really need? This was ME in the past. I’ve never really set fitness goals or visualized what I wanted my body to look like.
I had a friend in high school make a board of his goals and dreams. He had pictures of houses, cars, and his dream job. I never really understood how this could help him achieve his goals, but now I’m starting to think it may help me on my fitness journey.
Well, I am creating an action plan and I’m going to be visualizing myself following through. Did you know the mind doesn't know the difference between what is real and what is imagined? I’m hoping to trick my subconscious with motivational quotes and pictures of myself when I was healthy and happy.

Here is my board:

Here are the quotes if you'd like to print them


Ringing in the NEW YEAR

I hope everyone had a great time ringing in the NEW YEAR whether that consisted of dining with friends, relaxing on the couch or family time like me. My sister had us all over. It was fun and I honestly tried to hang but I was feeling weak. The temptation was too strong. Everyone brought over appetizers and finger foods... my weakness. I'm now on day 5 of a juice cleanse so I had to get out of there before I stuffed my face with sausage balls and buffalo chicken dip. I'm so excited for 2014. I'm starting a new chapter. HEALTH is going to be a top priority. If you want to get some motivational tips, recipes or quotes follow me on instagram. I plan on posting regularly. I also need your help and accountably. I've already seen so much inspiration so thanks for posting. 

  I'm linking up with my sweet friend Tara to share my 1 for ME and Farley for currently. My ONE for Me is going to be focus on my HEALTH by doing less of my old ways and incorporating new habits. Did you know it takes 21 days to form a new habit? I've got this!!!!!

My little word for 2014 will be LESS

Thanks Farley for hosting such a fun linky.