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Happy April Fool's Day

I'm linking up with Farley for this month's currently. I can not BELIEVE it's April 1st already.

I'm also going to share with you some of my favorite activities for April Fools. 

Have you seen the lirpaloof?  This is one of my most favorite activities along with the fake spelling test.  I am so excited for tomorrow. There are so many fun pranks to use in the elementary classroom.  Do you have a favorite April Fool's day joke or do you skip it altogether?  I happen to love it because my uncle used to always get me when I was a little girl. I have very fond memories of my sweet Uh-Uh. 

Last year, I was really disappointed that I couldn't do the awesome POP spelling quiz from Mrs. Bainbridge because I looped with my first graders. Well this year I'm ready to bring back the tradition.  

Also, sweet Denise from Sunny Days had the perfect lirpaloof activity. OH.MY.WORD... I couldn't contain the laughter last year. My sweet second graders were all waving their carrots proudly singing "lirpaloof". You see we were very busy trying to catch a glimpse of this rare and elusive bird that feeds on carrots. You definitely need to give this little activity a try! It is a HOOT! THANK YOU DENISE and MRS. BAINBRIDGE for all the fun and laughter. 

Getting our carrots ready for lirpaloof searching

"Lirpaloof, oh sweet lirpaloof" 

So if you're in need of some April Fool's Day activities, grab the freebie from Denise by clicking here

Mrs. Bainbridge's April Fool's Day Spelling Test is also a keeper. Check out her post from a couple of years ago. 



  1. Please send your kids or at least the siblings to my room to look for the lirpaloof. We can help look!!!!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  2. I'm doing the lirpaloof activity tomorrow, too...hoping I can keep a straight face ;-)

  3. I'm dying of laughter! What a hoot! Happy April Fool's Day! :D
    Mrs. Renz' Class

  4. I love the spelling test idea! I'm definitely trying that tomorrow, thanks!
    First Grade Dual

  5. 7:15! Holy early!! Wow!! Looks like you have a fun day planned tomorrow...Enjoy!

    Crayons and Whimsy

  6. I can't imagine doing standardized testing in 1st! Sending positive thoughts...
    Funky First Grade Fun

  7. Standardized testing in Yea 1 - those poor little chooks. Love the activities - would be a blast

  8. Um seriously...those April Fool's jokes are hilarious! I am at a math training all day so a sub is with my class, otherwise I'd be all over those ideas! Thanks for posting!

  9. Get out!!! First graders are taking them now where you are??!? That is sick! Those poor little firsties... :o( They aren't ready for that and it's way to early.
    Hugs to you my friend,
    Teaching and Much Moore

  10. I didn't see the lirpaloof activities until this morning...so bummed I missed out! I will have to wait until next year. I put the Bai5 Molokai on my Currently for things I'm loving...you got me addicted!!


  11. It looks like your April's Fool trick was a big hit!!!


  12. Love your April Fools joke! I've never done anything for April Fool's day with my students. :( Next year I am going to steal both ideas (I think y 5th graders would fall for them both)! Ugh, I agree with you...not a fan of standardized tests! The week we get back from spring break my students have to "pilot" the new common core smarter balanced test. Since it is a computer based test, we've run into quite a few issues already. Sigh... Have a wonderful weekend!

    Fifth Grade Wit and

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