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Saturday Snapshots

It is Saturday, very early Saturday, but surely it still counts! I still haven't been to sleep yet because that's how I roll in the summer time. Is everyone ready for Saturday Snapshots? If not you can always embed some instagram pictures. Remember any snapshot works!  I'm ready to showcase some pictures from this past week. I've been so busy with PD this week that I may not have tons! Don't forget I'll pick one photograph that really gets my attention to win a fun surprise. Winner will be announced July 4th so hurry and link up on the blog or instagram with the hashtag #Saturdaysnapshots. 

           I went on my first summer road trip for 2014.  Destination : Biloxi.  It was short but sweet!
We had some fun celebrating two birthdays on Saturday. We celebrated my nephew and niece! Can you tell what they are into these days?

Christian is in love with dragons. We saw How to Train Your Dragon 2. Oh my was it good but also sad... I might have cried just a little.

My sister has just gotten her real estate license so she's been trying her best to sell us a new home. 
Umm... I fell in love with this model home. It's perfect but not three minutes away from school like I am now.  How fun would it be to move in and not have to decorate????

Christian loves the jumper thing as he calls it. They are making a killing off of me this summer.

We had this human car wash at our end of the year party. I'm really wanting to try to make one. I know Christian and Isla would have a blast.

Have you all tried Chalk Paint? I have a friend that has me hooked. Chalk Paint is very easy to work with. It very rarely requires any preparation, such as sanding or priming, and can be used indoors or outside, on just about any surface.  It can revitalise old furniture, walls, ceilings and floors with ease. It's easy, fun and ADDICTING. You should see my friend. She's painting EVERYTHING. I'm just going to start with some wooden frames. Who knows... I might try some furniture. 

I'm loving this table. She has definitely inspired me and now I've ordered 6 sample colors.  Monday Made It here I come. 


  1. That house is gorgeous! Love the chalk paint. Please share what you do with it.

  2. I'd more into that house in a minute. Also, those cakes are adorable. I will share Reid's cake, but on our Wordless Wednesday link up. It is killing me not to over share it! :)

    1. I'm loving Reid's cake. The house really is stunning.

  3. That model home is stunning!!! I bought my first home in January and would have loved to buy an already decorated home! Decorating is killing my budget! :) Can't wait to see what you do with the chalk paint!

    EduKate and Inspire

    1. Decorating does kill a budget. Every little thing adds up. Thanks for stoping by. I'll be sharing on Monday

  4. Oh my goodness, that house! Your niece and nephew are adorable. My fifteen year old daughter loves Frozen as much as any little kid. She'd LOVE that cake! (Sweet 16?!) I made my own chalk paint, and it worked. I never have tried Annie Sloan's but I hear about it all the time and all the pieces are gorgeous. I need to order some samples. Unfortunately, I have only summer school pictures on my blog and some clearance purchases from Hobby Lobby...so not really Saturday Snapshot-worthy...but I loved yours!!!! I'm a follower now- gotta see what you do with that paint! Great post.

    1. Hey Julie,
      I'm impressed you made your own chalk paint. Annie Sloan is kinda expensive. I'd love to see what you did. Off to check out your blog.

  5. It looks like you've had a very fun (and BUSY) week!!! Isn't summer grand?! =)

    Kindergarten Teacher at the Wheel

    1. Summer is my favorite season :) Thanks for stopping by

  6. Great photos, as always! Chalkboard paint is awesome! I have a preschool teacher friend that painted all of her tables with that paint. Happy painting:)

  7. Those cakes are awesome! I'd hate to have to cut a piece from it....well...ok...my arm has been twisted! I'm sure they were delicious too! Love that house! Wow! I've never heard of chalk paint. I will have to look into it. I've got some furniture that needs a little revamping!

    Fifth Grade Wit and

    1. Crazy thing they didn't' even cute the bottom two of the superhero cake. My sister doesn't eat cake and said she just threw it out. I was devastated.

  8. That IS a gorgeous model home! I want one too!
    The Meek Moose

    1. Thanks for stopping by. You should see it in person

  9. So....for real...when are we moving into that house? Tell Cameron you'll buy it. I guess if I can't live in there with you and Mr. Nelson, I'll just move into your house when you move out. You have to take Cooper with you though. Sorry....he can't stay with me. Christian and Isla's cakes turned out awesome! You took some really nice shots this week! I miss seeing you!!!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

    1. We need to! So much room for crafting and creating. Miss you too

  10. That house is amazing!!! Those cakes are amazing...!!! You got some really great pictures this week! :) Enjoy your time!
    Mrs. Bentin's Blackboard

  11. I LOVE the cakes! I would love the frozen one for my own B-Day lol. That house is so pretty! I would love to be able to purchase a house already furnished. Thanks for this linky! Always a blast looking at yours and everyone else's great shots!

    Get Your Science on in Room 701

    1. They were tasty too! It was out of budget at the time. Maybe one day. :)

  12. Can not wait to see what you do with the Chalk Paint - I have been very tempted to try it and this may give me the nudge that I need. Love the human car wash!!

    1. I'll share on Monday but still have some fun ideas. The kids loved the car wash.

  13. Those cakes are AMAZING and man, that model home is gorgeous!

    Anisa @ Creative Undertakings

  14. I love chalk paint too!!! I am a little addicted, but it has such a great look.

    Down the Learning Road


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