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Winners x 3

Here are the winners. I'll be emailing you shortly. 

3 Items from my Store (Seeing Dots post)- Susie Q
Candy Student Awards- Rachel
Vocabulary Packet- Liz

Candy Student Awards Giveaway

I've never really done awards in the past but I'm SOOO excited this year. I found Reagan's Candy Student Awards and boy are they perfect. I went shopping on Saturday and went to three stores to find all the candy. I hit up the Dollar Tree, Dollar General, and Target. I probably could have gotten most at Dollar General but I had a gift card to Target. Each candy was about $1. It was so fun figuring out which award fit perfectly for each student. Even those few students who might push your buttons will still have an award to fit their personality to a T. Reagan has graciously donated one packet to a lucky winner. To enter you must follow both of our blogs and TPT stores. Leave one comment saying you follow us and tell us your favorite candy. I'll announce the winner tomorrow at 5 pm central so hurry and enter!
Reagan's Blog
Reagan's Store
My store


Seeing Dots

I've been busy getting ready for next year. I'm trying to keep things cohesive and less cluttered. I also need your help. I just set up shop at Teacher's Notebook. Follow my new Teacher's Notebook shop and tell me your theme for next year and you may just win any 3 packs from my TPT or TN store.
If you haven't entered the vocabulary giveaway you have 14 more hours. Be sure to check back tomorrow to see if you're the lucky winner.


Bee Promises

My kids loved coming up with our Bee Promises this year. This packet was used as a reminder of our promises. The first three people to leave feedback to my Getting to Know you sheets will receive this packet for FREE! Leave me a comment with your email stating you left feedback.


Look what arrived

I was so excited to check the door today! Look what arrived... my new teacher's planner, notepads, and notebook. I just love Erin Condren's products. I also purchased a $50 gift card to Erin Condren's site to giveaway once I hit 300 followers. Hopefully that will be before school starts back up. Here are some parties I have going on so link up and you may just win a cool gift.

My store is 15% off until Friday!


YouTube Linky Party

I believe that learning should be active, exciting, and engaging.  Part of the problem with engaging and motivating students, is that we continue to give them old-fashioned paper and pencil work, while they are craving a medium that speaks their language - technology. I would be lost without technology. One source I use daily is YouTube. I’m lucky to not have this site blocked at y school. YouTube is one of the biggest resources for educational content. Whenever I’m in need of a song, video, or book I search YouTube. You can find videos that make the subject of your lesson more applicable to students’ everyday lives. There are a tons of reasons YouTube should be a part of most classrooms:
·         Engage your students by captivating their attention
·         Provide real-world context for lessons.
·         Help provide cultural relevance for your students.
·         Provide remediation for concepts yet mastered.
·         Provide visual aides
I'd love for you to join my linky party. I might even have a great prize for one lucky person who links up.
Here are 3 of my  favorites :

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Manic Monday Freebie

It's never too early to start planning for next year! Right? Or am I the only one who is getting excited for a fresh start. I am linking up with Classroom Freebies Manic Mondays with my Getting to Know You Sheets. 

Thanks for posting about your reading series! The winner of the free packets is 

❤ Sandra


I'll be emailing Sandra now!

Flash Sale and FREEBIE

You have TWO more hours to get my packets for a buck each! Leave feedback and I'll send you a FREE packet of your choice. All you need to do is send me an email at missnelsonattpt@yahoo.com saying you left feedback.

$1 Sale

I'll have my entire TPT store on SALE today! All items are on sale for just a buck!


End of the Year Memory Book

TGIF! Only a couple of more days for me. My kids have been super busy completing an end of the year memory book. We've also been talking about facebook. I did a little questioning to see if my students were familiar with facebook. To my surprise, each and everyone of my students could tell me ALL about facebook. We then made our own walls and posted our picture in the left hand corner. Each student went around the room and asked their friends to post comments on their wall. This was great for the students who didn't purchase yearbooks. They had a blast!!!You can grab it by clicking on the picture.



Have you signed up to win a set of vocabulary cards from the most popular read alouds? I love vocabulary time because I get to use great literature to teach tier II words.
Click here to sign up.

Flash Freebie

This is for all the late night owls! I am putting my Father's Day packet for free until 12:00 p.m tonight!!!
The grandfather and uncle version is free as well! Hurry!


Good Reads

Come check out Mrs. Stanford's Class and  Clutter-Free Classroom's Summer Reading linky parties to get great ideas for summer reading. This is a list of What I'll be READING this summer.
I'm going to The Sisters'  The Daily 5 and Cafe conference this summer. I'm super excited!!! I've already read both of these wonderful books but now I need a refresher before I attend their conference. I will also be doing book studies on these books.

I also plan on reading through the common core standards. 
I won't have time for reading too many books because I'll be reorganizing my classroom library. 


Read- Aloud Linky Party

 I have a major problem. Every time I see a good book recommendation on a blog or pinterest, I'm off to amazon to purchase. I have a major task this summer. I'm going to be entering all of my books into some kind of online program. I'm really looking into booksource. I have thousands of books and most of them are leveled and tagged with guided reading levels and AR quiz numbers. The only problem I have is when I'm looking for that one special book, it's hard to put my finger on it. I eventually find it but it takes me a couple of tries before I do!  I'm linking up with The Teacher Wife and First Grade Found Me to share 5 of my favorites. If you'd like to purchase I have linked them to Amazon. Just click on the picture.

I love Peter Rynold's books."Ish" is a great book to share with children who try to be perfect. In this story Ramon loses his love for drawing after being teased. His sister teaches him a valuable lesson. She shows him that art does not have to be perfect. 
In this story, Miss Nelson's second-grade class is misbehaving, and she doesn't know what to do. So she comes up with an idea. Her plan is to become Miss Viola Swamp who is mean to the kids and loads them down with homework. I love using this book especially when I have a sub. I have a whole unit on this wonderful story.

This story is great at the beginning of the year. It's about a little white owl who is young and nameless. The little owl goes on an adventure and ends up finding a tree full of brightly colored owls who do not want anything to do with the little white owl because he is so plain in their eyes. Yet, this did not phase the little white owl and he convinces the colorful owls to listen to one of his stories.

As soon as I saw this title I knew I had to have this book for my classroom. The story and illustrations are very appealing to children. It provides a good starting point for discussing with students and their tendency to get upset when told "No." Kids can relate to the main character and hopefully be motivated (to change their tendency to say "no" right away but say "ok" instead. Julia Cook has tons of wonderful books. You should definitely check them out.

In this story, children will learn how to treat others with respect and accept differences! It allows for discussion in treating others as you would like to be treated and building courage in children to trust themselves. The illustrations are adorable and a great book to read over and over again to instill a very important message. The message of standing up for who you are and helping others, even when they are mean to you is so important for kids to learn.

What are your favorite books?

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


I'm getting so excited about the new school year. Summer gives me time to relax and recharge for another great year. I had so much fun buying cute packets from TPT! I've also been busy ordering planners, new construction paper, and more! One of my favorite purchases is Anna Brantley's HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills Response Sheets). They are perfect for pushing student's thinking to the next level.  They are a great addition to any Reading Program. You're in luck because Anna has donated a complete set of HOTS for today's giveaway! Thank you Anna! But wait... I also have some cute items to give away that will make your room extra cute! I just love The Polka Dot Pavilion. Jenna makes the cutest door hangers, frames, and wall art. I always get so many compliments on my door hangers. The Polka Dot Pavilion is donating one schoolhouse door hanger. Now since we're talking about cute things,  I also love my custom stamp that I use for stamping my books, stationery, notepads, and outgoing mail. PJGreetings makes the best custom stamps to make your mail or stationery stand out. My favorite stamp is the one that says "From the Desk of ....." For this giveaway you will win one adorable door hanger, one custom stamp AND The Complete HOTS set by the lovely Anna Brantley.  You will have until Friday to enter. Follow the steps below! GOOD LUCK!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Shop Til Ya Drop

Leslie at KindergartenWorks just designed a blog button for my blog. I am just so happy, I just have to show it off!!! Thank you Leslie! I couldn't think of any other way besides a great linky party. Erica had a fabulous idea to show off our recent Teacher Appreciation purchases! I love looking at all the wonderful purchases made these past couple of days. I scored some AWESOME packets. I have too many to even list! I'm so excited to print them off! I better go buy some more ink tomorrow!
Here are just a few of my recent purchases. ( I would add pics but it's getting late and the sale is about the END!) I'll add pictures tomorrow!


Don't forget to enter these fabulous giveaways!

Pete the Cat Giveaway

Good news if you've already signed up for a free trial anytime with ESGI, you're still eligible to win a FREE year. As long as you've tried it out in the past! Click here to enter.  I'm so excited about today's giveaway. I know you've probably heard of Pete the Cat. I am so glad that I found out about Pete last summer. My kids instantly fell in love with Pete. I started this year reading Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes and doing fun units from tpt!. Then we patiently waited for Pete the Cat: Rocking My School Shoes. Now we hope to read Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons before the end of school. Today you will get a chance to win the newest book, Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons. Not only will the winner receive the book, but also this awesome Pete the Cat packet from Doodle Bugs Teaching. Sweet Kacey  has donated this packet for an awesome giveaway. To enter to win Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons and Pete the Cat Literacy, Reading, and Math Centers follow the steps below. I will announce winners on May 12th!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Thanks for stopping by this week! I have so many great items to giveaway for Teacher Appreciation Week. Right now I am currently getting ready to do my last sight word assessment of the year. I don’t know about you but assessing is not my most favorite time of the year.  It seems to take away from valuable teaching time.
One way to make it a little more fun is ESGI software. This software is designed by a former kindergarten teacher. I signed up for a 60-day free trial and fell in LOVE. It was so easy to implement. My kids were begging to come back to my laptop. I really enjoyed looking at the results and printing the parent letters. My parents loved the personalized letters that told them specifically which words and skills their child needed additional help. The best part about ESGI is the flashcards that automatically print out with each letter. I love how teachers can even create their own tests and assessments.  Here’s an overview:
ESGI makes Assessment easy.
· Web-based software can be accessed from anywhere, anytime.
· Fun for students to get assessed on a PC.
· Individualized parent letters showing parents which questions their child answered correctly and incorrectly.
· Individualized flashcards (with the student’s name), for the missed items, so parents can practice at home.
· Real-time reporting of the data you have assessed. Through easy to navigate reports, you can see what  your class knows (or doesn’t know), individual student performance, item analysis, and more.

It’s easy to get started! What a wonderful thing for end of the year assessments. I am so happy to announce that ESGI has graciously donated a one year membership to ONE lucky winner. To enter this contest, you must follow this blog and please sign up for ESGI's FREE 60 Day Trial . Just give it a try, even if you're almost out of school. After you’ve signed up for the free trial, leave me a comment saying that you’ve done so! If you don't sign up for the free trial you can NOT be entered into the giveaway. Contest ends on May 13th! I will announce the winner on the 14th!
BONUS ENTRY- share this giveaway on your blog, fb or pinterest and leave a comment saying you did!
Check back tonight for another fabulous giveaway! 
Happy Teaching,
Miss Nelson
CONGRATS to Melissa! I've emailed you!


Happy Teacher Appreciation Week and TPT ?

Thank you Erica for this cute poster!
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! Hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend. I'm getting ready for the HUGE Teacher Appreciation Giveaway that starts tomorrow! I have wonderful prizes to giveaway! Some are even just plain FUN and not teaching related! I am also having a 20% off sale May 6th-8th! Don't forget to use the coupon code ( TAD12) to save an extra 10 %. I do have a question for anyone who sells on TPT! Lately, I've had a couple of feedbacks saying that they couldn't print my packet. When they tried, a black line showed up. I'm thinking it's a problem on their end since thousands have downloaded my FREE Mother's Day packet. Anyone have this happen? I feel really bad but don't know what to do. I usually just copy and paste TPT's message about downloading a newer version of adobe. Well, I'm off to buy a few more some items for my giveaway. Leave me a comment with your favorite store and don't forget to check back MONDAY!


May's Currently

May? Wow, this year has flown by! Getting ready for our fiesta tomorrow! I love Farley's currently linky parties each month. Here's mine:
Don't forget to check back on Monday! I'll be having some fun giveaways.