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Silent Speedball and more!

Linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching!
 1. Native Americans- Didn't have time to cover near Thanksgiving but loving it right now. They loved making wampum necklaces, navajo pouches, and symbol writings.

2. We completed some activities from The Teacher Wife's Action Verbs packet. They also just love this song.

3. Silent Speedball- This game is an awesome brain break. The students LOVE it. The way we play is use a soft foam/sponge ball. The object of the game is to throw the ball to one another in no particular pattern. Last one standing wins! When you say go, players begin to toss the ball around the room. They should make eye-contact with the person they intend to throw the ball to. Also, everyone should have a chance to have the ball. 

If you talk, you're out!
If you make an uncatchable throw, you're out!
If you don't catch a good throw, you're out!
If you complain in any way, you're out!

Stay by your chair and speed is a factor!

4.  Spent some quiet time Friday afternoon at our local State Park. It's simply beautiful. 

5. I'm OVER lice. Too many of our 2nd graders are going home with lice. Do you have a nit free policy? Any tips! 

Off to check out other weekly highlights



  1. I get the lice problem. Last spring we canceled school one day because about 70 of our kids had it and the majority of adults (even the principal and secretary). We put backpacks outside spaced apart from one another. We told parents to put their daughter's hair up, and if they didn't, I put it up for them. We sent home information with links so parents would know what to look for. We bagged up everything made of fabric in our classrooms and stored it. Good luck!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. Oh my word! Just saying the word lice makes me all itchy:( I hate that time of year...it seems to have seasons:/ Love your Indian projects and that park looks beautiful:) Thought of you this morning....I was in Hobby Lobby and they have a new section of all yellow/black/ and white stuff...super cute!! My spring break has started....sooooooo happy! I was pooped! Have a great weekend!

    4th Grade Frolics

  3. Lice - eeeeek! You should try Fairy Tales Repel Leave-In Conditioning Spray. It smells delightful!

    Lucky to Be in First

  4. We are having bed bug issues at my school!!!! Love silent speedball. We call it silent seatball and we sit bottoms on desktop feet on a seat.

    Chickadee Jubilee

  5. I hate the word LICE, I start scratching. I miss you.

    The First Grade Princess

  6. We just call it Silent Ball in Room 202 and my fifth graders LOVE it. They beg to play at the end of the day. It motivates them to get packed up quickly and efficiently AND I can actually hear afternoon announcements while they are playing. It's a win-win-win. I have been using music videos a lot with this year's class, mostly in math. I think my students will enjoy the Verb Rap you posted. Thanks for sharing, Stacy @ http://new-in-room-202.blogspot.com


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