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Holiday Market Ideas

It's almost December which means I need to start planning for our First Grade Holiday Market. For the next two weeks our classroom will be turned into a factory of sorts. I'm still debating on a few last minute items to make. It's the best way I have found to teach our social studies standards on economics. 

I happen to love Market Days because it gives me a chance to get crafty. We do this every year. I've done Market days in the winter and also in the spring. After we do a week long unit on my Consumers and Producers we break into groups to create a product or service to sell. Comment below with your favorite craft for a chance to win the packet.

Here are some goods we've sold in the past:
chocolate dipped pretzels
chocolate dipped spoons
handprint ornaments
wrapping paper (butcher paper stamped with stamps)
hot chocolate

Most items are around $1. This way the students don't have worry too much about change. We do it as a grade level but you could easily do it as a class. You can invite parents, teachers, other students or have it just within your class.

We usually plan about a week getting organized, producing our product, and marketing our store. I show my students videos about starting a business. Our library has a great selection. The students also hung up advertisements around campus to drum up business. Last year my class raised over $300. We donated the money to a local charity. There are so many different twists you can do with Market! 

I have a cute booklet on tpt that covers wants, needs, goods, services, consumers, producers and income that I'd like to giveaway to three lucky followers. Just leave me a comment with your favorite holiday craft.  



October 1st and I feel like it's still the beginning of school. I sure hope everyone is getting into a routine and hopefully your plates aren't as FULL as mine.  I am so glad to link up with Farley for October's Currently. Fall is by far my favorite time of year. October is such a fun month.

Thinking- We can't wait til our annual trip to our favorite city. This will be our 6th time in 3 years to visit Asheville, North Carolina. It's kinda like Paris of the South. If you've never been to Asheville you are missing out. 

My trick is going to be technology related. My students are having a hard time remembering all of their logins and passwords so I laminated cards and have them sticky tacked to the computer. It has been working so far. Also to store headphones I found this great purchase. :)

My favorite computer app right now is blogstomp. It allows me to watermark my photos and make neat collages. I also love dollar photo club. I've been using it for non fiction pictures. You should give it a try. 

Dollar Photo Club

I still love Remind as well.  Do you text your class?

 Remind is a great way to communicate with parents and students. The best part -it's FREE! Remind allows you to send a quick text message to your parents or students without ever revealing your personal contact information. Parents can sign up to receive your messages by text or email. I've used this service for three years as reminders of important class events. I would remind parents of assignments due or special days at school! My parents loved Remind. It's so user friendly. It will not disappoint!

Currently, New Look and Giveaway!

September 1st? What in the world. Summer flew by and now it's time to get back to the grind.  Oh and football!!!! I am not a huge fan of actually watching the game but I do like the feel of football season. I also like that my husband becomes glued to the tv so I can have time to shop and craft.

I'm linking up with sweet Farley for September's Currently tonight. You should too!

Thank you so much Michelle for your fabulous creativity! I'm in LOVE with the new look.

Leave me a comment of favorite football team and you will be entered into my Fall Giveaway!
I have made a cute Halloween Wreath to giveaway. I'll pick a winner on Friday.

Winner is Sarah from A Rocky Top Teacher


Samson's Classroom Giveaway

Last week flew by! Students started on Tuesday. I can't to post pictures but lately I've been learning our new reading adoption, Wonders. Does anyone have any awesome Wonders tips for me? I'd greatly appreciate it. 

The main reason for blogging today is the fact that I have an awesome giveaway. I just love Samson's classroom and you will too!

 I am so happy to be able to do a giveaway for a year subscription to Samson's Classroom ($80 value).  It's one of my favorite websites for learning sight words, spelling words and reading comprehension.  The giveaway will last until Monday. If you aren't the lucky winner then you will be so EXCITED because Samson's Classroom has agreed to provide $70 off.The promo code RMN3(as in "Run Miss Nelson") will give you $70 off a classroom plan until October. THANK YOU Samson's Classroom.

That's only $10 for a full access account . I would totally pay even the $80 because it's that good.

click on the above image to check out the video that explains this wonderful site.

  • We love all of the portions but my favorite portion for my 1st graders is the reading passages.  The reading passages are divided up into different levels.  Students are asked to read a passage and answer comprehension questions about their reading.  If a student answers incorrectly, the program is great about highlighting the area of the passage where the answer can be found.  I like this because it forces students to go back and reread to find the correct answer.  I love that they are actually looking back in the passage to make sure their answers are correct because they want to earn "hammer swings"!  If they miss a question they earn less hammer swings. Hammer Swings are just a fun incentive at the end.  

This little boy earned a  black belt from Samson's Classroom. He LOVED earning this recognition. Samson's classroom is so wonderful to work with. They sent him a black belt, a certificate and featured him in their newsletter. 

Please follow Samson's classroom on fb  and tell them I sent you to be entered into the giveaway. 

Thank you to everyone who entered the Samson's Classroom Giveaway! Congratulations to Lori for winning the year subscription! Don't forget to use the code RMN3 to receive a year subscription for only $10.00. That's $70 off.

Leave me a blog comment stating you left them some love and don't forget to leave your email address so I can contact you if you are lucky!
Good Luck. Winner will be announced Monday!


Saturday Snapshots and a Fabulous App

Happy Saturday! I've been on vacation for 10 days but it's coming to an end. BOO!  We leave California tomorrow to head home. I'll be back at school starting Monday so hopefully I'll start posting some school pictures. Right now I'm enjoying my last day with the view of the Pacific Coast. Hope you enjoy the pictures. At the end check out my favorite new app where you earn money just by posting pictures. 

While in LA I always visit the Polo Lounge at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Their McCarthy salad is my favorite salad in the ENTIRE world. It's like a souped up Cobb. 

 Sugarfina was a beautiful candy shop. I love their displays

  I had no idea that this car was worth 2 million dollars. No wonder everyone was stopping to take pictures. 

Pinkberry is my favorite. This watermelon cooler was so refreshing.

Book Tour for Grumpy Cat. I had to look it up to see what the fuss was about. :) 

Great shopping at the Malibu Country Mart

So long LA! I hope to be back soon. 

I also wanted to tell you about a wonderful new app called USLIKEY. I'm seriously addicted to joining their challenges! Best part is you earn money for taking pictures.  You share cool products, places, or foods that you like while earning money and gift cards. I promise you will LOVE it. This weekend the challenge is posting pictures of #weekendfun. I was one of the lucky winners last weekend and won $25. They send the money straight to paypal or there are other options. Run... go check it out now!

If you join, please let me know so I can follow you. 


Saturday Snapshots from Whitefish

Almost time for Saturday Snapshots. This week I had a chance to shoot some pictures for a sweet family that I just LOVE. I taught their oldest son in first grade about four years ago. What a beautiful, sweet family!

The next set of pictures is my youngest sister.  

Our sweet Maggie is missing her brother Cooper. He's been at the vet with pneumonia. It's been really hard on all of us.  I'm pretty sure it was from Doggy Daycare. It was kennel cough that turned into pneumonia. I guess he won't be going back. I'll just have to leave with holes in all of our furniture. 

This is Cooper when he was feeling fine. We can't wait to have him back at home but for now he's recuperating at the vet while we are on vacation. 

Right now I'm blogging from Whitefish, Montana. We spent the weekend at Glacier National Park. It was breathtaking. I'll be uploading pictures on Instagram if you'd like to follow along. You can always use 
#saturdaysnapshots or #saturdaysnapshotswithmissnelson to link up on IG.

If you ever get the chance to visit Glacier National Park ... don't pass it up. 

I'd love for you to come link up.  I'll be picking up a souvenir to one lucky blogger who links up this month. Have a wonderful weekend.