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Monday Made It- Freebie

Another Monday has arrived which means it's that much closer to the start of school. I'm starting to get concerned at all the curriculum planning I've yet to accomplish. However, I do have some fun Monday Made Its to show for my summer vacation. Thanks Tara for keeping me on track with my crafting.  I also need to thank Alison for making me start early this week. This week I made some fun things that I hope to use often. 

Do you love clothespins? I use clothespins for all sorts of things so when I scored these black ones from Michael's I was thrilled. My bulletin boards, AR tracker, Transportation display, and walls will be much cuter now. Did you know you can hot glue these bad boys to cement blocks? I made this faux bulletin board with wrapping paper and clothespins. I even hot glue clothespins to cabinets, doors, and furniture. 

Michael's purchase: clothespins and embellishments

 My next project will be used for positive reinforcement. I am planning on passing out these little cards when I see students being good listeners, good helpers, and many other occasions.
Would you like these free caught beeing _______ cards? Just click here to download

Cooper was awarded a caught beeing a hearty eater. That little stinker eats everything. If you follow me on Instagram then you've probably seen his little incidents. I plan on drawing for some sort of surprise once a month. I think I could use these for all sorts of things.
Being kind
Being respectful
Being a good reader
Being a good friend
Being prepared for class
Being positive 

 I love using bulletin board borders wrapped around buckets and jars

These miniature canvases were on sale at Michael's last week so I picked them up. I just love this bee clip art by Erin Bradley so I glued them on the canvas. I used a paint pen to write the words.

I've been wanting to create a place to hang student pictures each month. I lucked out when I found the perfect frames from Pier 1. They hold 9 photographs each and I usually have 18 students. In Florida, first grade has a cap at 18 students.  I hope it stays this way because I plan to switch the pictures monthly. 

My last project was back to school postcards to send out to new students. Our school usually orders postcards but they are generic. I like to type my classroom website and other things that are unique to my classroom. 
I found these images from my favorite new place Dollar Photo Club . Their images are amazing and only $1.  You can sign up for $10 a month for 10 images and cancel anytime. I love their images so much that I signed up for 99 images. I'll be using them for marketing for my husband's stores and some new tpt products. Their photos are simply stunning. Best part they are only $1.

I ordered them from vistaprint with a great coupon 

Winner of 3 sets of behavior beads- Aris from Sailing Into Second


  1. I love your "Caught Bee-having" jar. It is too cute! I need to look for some color clothespins. I tried dyeing them one year and I didn't like the way they turned out. I hope I can find some blue or yellow ones. Thanks for sharing your creativity with us.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I've never thought about using borders around jars and buckets. I like that look. Thanks for the tip.

  4. You so make me want to do a bee theme! Your room will definitely be my inspiration when I do it :) That positive reinforcement idea is terrific! I love puns :)

  5. After a fun filled 24 hours of crafting, eating and laughing...I shall be going to sleep now. Night night. I'll take a caught bee-ing sleepy note! I had fun today! :) XO
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  6. I love this idea!! We have a "Caught being good" student each week, but I love how you have a theme for it too!!
    Learning to be awesome

  7. I'm loving the canvas and photo frame. I was going to do our month in review but wasn't sure how. I think I'm going to do 24(#of kids) of my groove book for my photos. Um also my old backsplash at my favorite house was the same. I miss home. I love all your stuff. ESP your pupper eating everything. :)

  8. I love all your ideas and projects - great inspiration! Clothes pins are wonderful, I use them in many areas in my classroom as well.

  9. Looks like I'm heading back to Michaels.... Love your bees.
    Mrs. Brown Loves Bookworms

  10. Oh my, you have certainly been busy. I love your bee theme! So many great ideas! You have inspired me to get my bee-hind in gear!

    Elementary School Garden

  11. WOW! You'e been super busy!!! I love your bee theme! I really like the bee canvas paintings!!! Your pup is the cutest...even if he is naughty! :)

    A Sunny Day in First Grade

  12. I love the canvas bees!!! Also want your dog!

  13. All of your Made Its turned out great! The embellishments on the clothespins are adorable! I really like the idea of using borders to jazz up jars. Thank you for sharing so many great ideas!

    Fit to be Fourth

  14. Wow, I love all your ideas this week. Love the canvas.

    Kinder Princess

  15. Where did you get that super cute bucket? Love that and the little canvas.


    Kovescence of the Mind

  16. The borders around the bucket...now that is genius! I never would have thought of that. I have seen the dollar photo store around...I always debate getting a membership!


  17. I have a long list of ideas from this post! Thanks so much. I love it all- especially borders around containers and the canvas pictures! Somehow I will adapt that idea for my science lab!
    Teachers Are Terrific!

  18. I love the canvas display - it is too adorable - putting that on my list. Also thank you for the idea on putting border around jars and containers - love how it ties the theme together and uses up my extra border!!

  19. I so love the Bee stuff!!! I should get busy! It looks great!
    Grade 4 Buzz

  20. Thanks for an idea on where to get some good photos to use at a reasonable price. We will check it out. TY

  21. Those little canvases are really adorable! The frames and clothes pins were great finds. There's nothing like summer craft shopping!
    Polka Dot Lesson Plans

  22. All I can say is you AMAZE me!!!!!!!!!!!


  23. Where do I start? Everything is sooo cute and creative. You have inspired me. AND I love the pup picture :)

    Stacy (new follower)
    Second Grade Sweetie Pies

  24. I want to be a first grader in YOUR class! :^D


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