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Congrats to Ginger at Gingersnaps!! You are the lucky winner of this two sided pumpkin door hanger. I have two more for sale or maybe I'll have another giveaway in the next couple of weeks. :) I'll be emailing you for your address.
post signature

Monday Made it and FREEBIES

Have you read any of Julia Cook’s books? She is one of my favorite authors. Two of my biggest pet peeves are when children blurt out and tattle. You should check out A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue and My Mouth is a Volcano. Both are excellent books that seem to really engage and educate children. If you have the books then I created some sheets that respond to the story. Click here to download.

I am also quite proud of all the fun freebies I've found in blog land. I have printed tons of goodies, laminated, and hot glued them to the walls. The hot glue gun is my best friend these days!!! All of these are freebies I've found online. Be sure to click on their name and it will take you right to the free download.

Thanks Randi
Thanks Ginger!
Thanks Marianne
Thanks Kristen
I also purchased the Target book covers. All I can say is AMAZING. My students love having a little spot for books or  unfinished work.  I also love the little white baskets for storing their writing journals.

I can't wait to see your awesome projects! I sure do love Monday Made Its with Tara

Back to School Books

What teacher doesn't love books? Today I'm linking up to share my favorite books for the first day of school. 


Here are a few of my favorite books! Click on the picture to go straight to The Clever Teacher to order.


The Crayon Box That Talked


I love these books so much that I  even have a great packet that goes along with my favorite books

Enemy Pie

Enemy pie is a terrific story told through the eyes of a young boy. It is a story about how to make friends, and how enemies are unmade. My students love this book every year. 

Wemberly Worried
I love all of Kevin Henkes books! Great for the beginning of the year.

This story is great for learning how being kind and filling each other's buckets.

This book is a must. It goes along with bucket fillers.

This is a classic first day story. I love the sweet message. 

Love the ending!


1,000 follower giveaway

How great is this painting? 
I think it pretty much sums up my teaching philosophy. To celebrate reaching almost 1,000 followers on tpt I'll be giving away either this beautiful canvas or a personalized stamp from PJGreetings and $10 to my tpt store.
I  love my custom stamp that I use for stamping my books, stationery, notepads, and outgoing mail. PJGreetings makes the best custom stamps to make your mail or stationery stand out. My favorite stamp is the one that says "From the Desk of ....."

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Fall Door Hanger Giveaway

Two sided fall door hanger

I'm over the Florida humidity and rain. I'm hoping this storm passes quickly. School is back in session and that means fall is just around the corner. I am looking forward to changing leaves, crisp cool air, Saturday football, cozy sweaters, pumpkin lattes, and Halloween. In honor of my favorite season, I'll be giving away this darling pumpkin door hanger. I also have two for sale. Message me if interested. 
To enter all you will need to do is pin something from my tpt store.
Leave me a comment with the your newly pinned url and you'll be entered to this giveaway.

I'll pick a winner on Tuesday, August 28th!
Good Luck!
Congrats to GingerSnaps! She was the lucky winner.


Technology Tip Tuesday

I am linking up with Blog Hoppin' this week for Teacher Week.  

Today's topic: Technology Tuesday
 I am so excited to share with you some of my favorite technology finds!

Remind 101 is a great way to communicate with parents and students. The best part -it's FREE! Remind 101 allows you to send text messages to your parents or students without ever revealing your personal contact information. Parents can sign up to receive your messages by text or email. I used this service last year as reminders of important class events. I also would remind parents of assignments due! My parents loved Remind 101. Since I'm looping this year, I have reminded parents of our new supply list and updated them with great SALES on school supplies. We even had a summer get together and this was a great way to notify parents of our meet up. 

Here's an overview:

Class Dojo-  Class Dojo is a classroom tool that helps teachers improve behavior in their classrooms quickly and easily. It's a way to generate data on behavior through the use of technology. They have just added an attendance feature. I highly suggest you check out this fabulous site.

Scootpad- It is the ultimate way to engage students in mastering skills. Basically, Scootpad is a website where students can go to practice all of the Common Core standards for reading and math. Students can work at their own pace through the standards.   You should check it out too!

Edmodo- It's like Facebook for the classroom but much safer and secure


SPAM and Custom Requests

I am so sad because I accidentally deleted an email from a customer wanting me to customize her owl packet that she purchased from me. If I don't respond to your email within 4 days then it means I must have accidentally deleted your email or your email went to my spam folder. Please email me again and check back  if you ever need anything else.


Back to School

I'm linking to "You Know It's Back to School Time When..." linky party at Kindergarten Lifestyles.

How would you finish this sentence?

Here is mine!


We start school on Monday! I hope everyone has a great first few days. I'll be back soon to share the fun things I have planned. Expect some new pictures because Miss Nelson just ordered a new camera lens (1.4 to be exact).



Winners  of the  Where are we set? and $10 to my tpt store
Beth Ann

Send in your pictures!!!!!You know I love pictures and I love seeing my stuff in teacher's classrooms. If you have a picture of any of my products to send, pin, or blog then you can be entered into my giveaway. I'll be giving a way a new lunch bag and $10 worth of goods from my TPT store. There will be 2 winners.

Thanks Mrs. Busha!

Free download
Thanks Andi!

free download
Thanks Aimee

Send pictures to missnelsonattpt@yahoo.com or leave me your blog or pin post in the comments below.
I'll announce the winners on August 30th so hurry and send in those pics!


Monday Made it and Winners

Well, it's Sunday night and that means time to upload my Monday Made it. Do you all have a system to let your students know where your class has disappeared to? I never had a system but boy did I need one. Last year, I  had a few students who were constantly tardy. It was a major problem especially on days where we had to leave the room unexpectedly. We would be at pictures, an assembly or testing in the computer lab and my students had no idea where to find us. I also had volunteers who would pop in and not know where we were. Well, I have the perfect solution.
Where Are We Sign

posters included- lots of color options
In this packet you can select over 30 different cards/icons. There are even two sizes to choose from. I have included many poster choices if you aren't going the pizza pan route.

I also need to beef up my Writer's Workshop so I made this little clip chart to help me keep track of my student's writing progress.

Winners of  the Where are We Set  from last week 
I'll be sending over the file. Thanks for commenting.


May the PHRASES be with you

I've been busy this morning leaving feedback on recent tpt purchases. Did you know how easy it is to earn free packets? For each dollar spent, you earn 1 credit.  For every 20 credits, you get $1.00 to be used on your next purchase!  I just earned around 200 credits. YIPPEE!
Spend $15 dollars in my tpt store and get your pick of a FREE packet.
Just email me at missnelsonattpt@yahoo.com with your tpt username and packet choice.

Please tell me one of your favorite purchases today
 ( I really need writing stuff) and I'll pick 3 winners to win $10 to my TPT store.


May the PHRASES be with you- Dolch Word Phrases Game and Cards
My kids love playing games like POP, BANG, and BOOM. What class doesn't have a STAR WARS lover?

WOOF-Dolch Word Phrases Game and Cards
Are your students just as crazy over dogs as MINE?

Where are we? 
Editable Polka Dot Pennant Banner- Customize and make as many as you need!


over 80 different icons/options

Can be used with any 10-20 spelling words

great for grades K-3

This packet is great for Economics units

Makes a great end of the year present for parents!
Kids love it too!

Editable to fit your class needs


Editable covers
great for reviewing class rules


Off to go shopping. Don't forget to tell me one of your favorite purchases today
 ( I need writing stuff) and I'll pick 3 winners to win $10 to my TPT store.