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Technology Tip Tuesday

I am linking up with Blog Hoppin' this week for Teacher Week.  

Today's topic: Technology Tuesday
 I am so excited to share with you some of my favorite technology finds!

Remind 101 is a great way to communicate with parents and students. The best part -it's FREE! Remind 101 allows you to send text messages to your parents or students without ever revealing your personal contact information. Parents can sign up to receive your messages by text or email. I used this service last year as reminders of important class events. I also would remind parents of assignments due! My parents loved Remind 101. Since I'm looping this year, I have reminded parents of our new supply list and updated them with great SALES on school supplies. We even had a summer get together and this was a great way to notify parents of our meet up. 

Here's an overview:

Class Dojo-  Class Dojo is a classroom tool that helps teachers improve behavior in their classrooms quickly and easily. It's a way to generate data on behavior through the use of technology. They have just added an attendance feature. I highly suggest you check out this fabulous site.

Scootpad- It is the ultimate way to engage students in mastering skills. Basically, Scootpad is a website where students can go to practice all of the Common Core standards for reading and math. Students can work at their own pace through the standards.   You should check it out too!

Edmodo- It's like Facebook for the classroom but much safer and secure


  1. I've never heard of these websites before. Can't wait to play with them this afternoon. Thanks for sharing!!
    Christy :)
    Mrs. Christy's Leaping Loopers

  2. Remind 101 is so cool! The thought of texting parents is funny to me, but last year we had a parent who would only communicate with school through texts! Great post, thanks!


  3. The texting is great for some parents because they always have their phone with them. :) All of my parents have signed up and you can sign up by email instead.

  4. I am excited to check out Scootpad.

    ~April Walker
    The Idea Backpack

  5. I use Remind 101 and I just found Edmodo. We are learning more about it tomorrow. Love it!

    Simply 2nd Resources

  6. I love Remind101! I found it this summer and can't wait to share it with my teachers and use it with my class! I think it is an amazing Web 2.0 tool. The other recommendations are also wonderful and I'm looking forward to putting them in action this year. I'm your newest follower! Would love it if you checked out my blog.

    Sent From My iPad

  7. Nikki
    What's your blog site? I'd love to check it out.

  8. I was wondering what curly font did you use for your Bee writer's eye Title...the part that says, "Do You Have a Writer's Eye?" It's so cute! Thanks!

  9. Oh Photo shoot
    Miss Nelson


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