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Happy, Happy, Happy

Yesterday everything went wrong. It was one of THOSE days. I was late for work. I left my phone at school. Missed an appointment.. the list went on! I was just not feeling it until I got home. My SLANT box arrived!!!! It's so much fun finding a box on your doorstep. It sure did brighten my day. I was paired with Ashley and Jameson.  Ashley from The Balancing Act I Call Life picked out the best items. She definitely knows how to shop. I loved the fact that she knew I liked Menchies, polka dots, and Mexican food. She included a gift card to my favorite yogurt place. Yup... it was my dinner last night. I'm in LOVE with the polka dot clipboard, fall decor, and the cute stickers. If you haven't signed up on Lessons with Coffee ... I would go do that right now. This was my second month participating and boy it's been so much FUN! I can't wait until October.

Today I had a half day sub and was able to go shopping for Fall decorations with my sister. We headed to Hobby Lobby and LOWES with this little bumblebee. It was a great afternoon full of decorating and pumpkin hiding. Yes... we hid pumpkins like Easter eggs. Anything to keep these two happy. The Florida heat wasn't too bad this afternoon. SCORE!

Don't forget to sign up to get a box full of goodies. You can sign up for the October SLANT box exchange now! Head over to Lessons with Coffee to check it out.


  1. That is the cutest little bumble sweetie I've seen!!!!


  2. I love how festive you are even though it clearly doesn't feel like really cool fall weather there!


  3. OMG... your house looks FANTASTIC! Looks like it took hours to set up. So cute and so are your little ones.

    Granny Goes to School

  4. I want the darling bee dress for my granddaughter. Where can I get one?


  5. I'm thinking... uhmmm, it is only September 28th and now I feel behind in decorating!!! LOL You are stressing me out worse than the stores... but I do loveeeee decorating, too!! Your display looks awesome! You appear to have the perfect yard for all of that. California is like your Florida... a little too warm for fall, but we smell it in the air with the dreaded Santa Ana winds just starting. UGH always leads to fire season. Thank you for sharing such cute bees and your decorations!



  6. Such a cute little bee! I love the idea of a pumpkin hunt....too fun! Sweet SLANT box too. I signed up for the first one and sent my box but never received mine. She contacted me a couple times to let me know she would get it to me but sadly it never came. I am kind of reluctant to sign up again. Maybe I'll give it another go....I had such fun shopping for my partner...:) Have a blessed weekend.....Vicky
    Keep Calm and Imagine

  7. I am somehow just now seeing this post!! :) :) Love love love it and I'm so glad it arrived when you were having a DAY! :) Perfect timing for treats! And by treats, I mean Menchie's . . . and polka dots! Happy Wednesday!

  8. Hi! I participate in SLANT too and was wondering if you have received the updated list for October? I have already been contacted by the person sending to me but I have not been sent the list. I have no idea who my match is. I have tried contacting Jameson but have not heard back so I am asking other SLANTERS if they could forward me the list.
    Thanks you! :c)


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