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Monday Made It and Giveaway

This Monday Made It is for all of you. It's a Soothe Box so you can take care of yourself. I know it sounds weird but it's so helpful! Did you know you can't give it your all if you're not taking care of yourself? We are caretakers and nurturers by nature. We expend so much energy while working with our students. Its up to us to put back energy into ourselves. I'm here to give you some ideas for your soothing box. 

What in the world is a self soothe box? That was my question last month. Well it's a box that appeals to the 5 senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. I could see this being great for some students as well.

Whenever you are feeling anxious, stressed or down about something you can go to your self-soothing box and mindfully pick up each thing that appeals to your senses. You will focus your attention on what the object looks, tastes, smells, sounds, or feels like instead of your worries. 

When you are mindful with your self-soothing box it really helps to calm you down and make you feel better.

First off, you'll need a box. Anything will do: a shoebox, an old cardboard box, or why not just use a bag. At school my self soothe box is at the bottom of my filing cabinet. At home I have a whole room dedicated to my self- my craft room LOL.

Gather objects that appeal to your senses. Some examples would be:
  • Sight: funny photos, baby animals, positive affirmations, seeds of happiness, book, mirror, magazine, sunglasses, old camera with pictures of your favorite memories, some scenes that you think are beautiful, happy pictures that you've drawn, pictures that motivate you.
  • Hearing:  your favorite cd, a music box, headphones to use with your phone, an old iPod or music device filled with peaceful music. Soothing sounds app, Pandora or Spotify
  • Touch: silk scarf,  stress balls,  feather, lotion, some cool textured yarn or some sandpaper
  • Taste: various teas, ginger chews,coffee, hard candies, gum, suckers, chocolate, a favorite snack, some flavored lip gloss
  • Smell: peppermint oil, lip balm, scented candles, perfumes, lotions, stick of cinnamon  coffee beans, reed diffusers, even scented deodorants, essential oils such as lavender. 
Here are some ideas that you can't put into a box.

Talk a walk outside. Go to the beach or mountains. Look at the nature around you. Go to a museum with beautiful art. Buy some flowers. Sit in a garden.  Light a candle and watch the flame. Watch a travel movie or video. Seeds of Happiness.

Pandora, Nature Sounds app, Listen to beautiful or soothing music. Listen to a baby or a small animal. Sit by a waterfall.  

Bake some bread or baked goodies. Smell breakfast being cooked at home or in a restaurant. Walk in a garden or in the woods and breathe in the smells of nature. Light a scented candle or incense. Find some coffee beans. 

Have a special treat, and eat it slowly... that's the hard part! Have a good meal, Treat yourself to a dessert. Put whipped cream in your coffee.
 Drink a soothing drink like herbal tea or hot chocolate. CHOCOLATE. I'm really loving black cracked pepper cheese sticks at the moment.

TOUCH:Pedicure, massage, facial!!!! Put on some lotion. Pet your dog or cat. Cuddle with a baby or small child. Put on a silk shirt or scarf. Sink into a really comfortable bed.  Float or swim in a pool. Take a hot shower or bath.

What would you put in your box? Or how do you de-stress from the day? I'd love to get some more ideas. Leave me a comment for your chance to win!

I would love to make a box to send to one lucky winner. 
It will be filled with some awesome products that help me unwind from a long day in the classroom. 

I'm off to check one of my favorite linkys. Thank you Tara for hosting.


  1. I think I'm at the point that I need one of those a week!!! What a wonderful idea:) LOVE it and really need it this year:/ Don't know why things are so stressful already for me but they are:/ I'll be trying to put one of these together soon:) LOVE this idea:))))) Thanks for linking up friend:)

    4th Grade Frolics

    1. Haha Tara! Hopefully your little silkies will help. I also love your idea of retail and garden therapy.

  2. This makes me smile so much but sad at the same time. It's so easy to forget about myself!! I definitely don't do enough for me at all but I am now going to make it a priority to get my box started!! Thank you for such a great, smile filled, idea:):):)

    1. I just started Ashley. It's not too late. :) I can't wait to see what you put in your box. I need more ideas.

  3. I love this box!! I definitely need my music to relieve stress!! Zumba has really helped me burn off steam lately and its fun!!

    1. Music is a great stress reliever. I need to start back up with Zumba. It's always fun.

  4. Great idea. Mine might have some Dove chocolate, iPod, a ball to roll under the arches of my feet, and some Motrin. :) I've got to get one together.

    1. Love me some Dove and my feet always hurt. I never keep Motrin but that's a great idea. Thanks for commenting.

  5. This is an excellent idea! I think I'll throw together an impromptu one tonight...student teaching has been very frustrating so far, and I could definitely use a self-soothe box during planning time! Mine would probably have Junior Mints, a sachet of coffee beans, some hand sanitizer lotion, headphones (for my iPhone), and a couple of pictures of my favorite vacations spots (the Outer Banks, Disney World, England). Thanks for sharing!

    Miss White's Classroom

    1. Student teaching is very frustrating and overwhelming. I like the idea of pictures of Disney World and vacation spots. I also LOVE junior mints. Hope you have a great year. Thanks for commenting. Good Luck

  6. Mine would definitely include chocolate or one of my favorite childhood candies....raisinettes, whoppers, strawberry charelston chew, orange slices, etc. Those always make me happy! A book of uplifting scripture or quotes, or any good book for that matter. Photos of my family and friends....and pets. I find it relaxing and stress releiving to just hold and pet one of my kitties or my son's new puppy. And....prayer always makes me feel better, is free, and you can do it any time or place you feel like it! OH yeah.....where do you get the cracked black pepper cheese sticks? My hubby would LOVE those!!! Thanks....and have a great week!

    Blessings, Vicky
    Keep Calm and Imagine

    1. Love that you would include childhood favorites. Scripture and quotes are great ideas. Thanks for sharing your ideas. The cheesesticks are from Target. They have tomato basil as well.

  7. This is wonderful! I love the poster. It just speaks volumes. Tonight I went for a walk with my family. We haven't done it too much this summer because the kids are growing out of the stroller stage (they are 3 and 6). It was actually our first long walk as a family (with the two dogs too!) without a stroller! My son rode his scooter and my daughter rode her bike. It was so peaceful since we live in a rural area and there are grape vineyards everywhere. When I took a deep breath, I could smell the grapes and it was so invigorating! Thank you for sharing. :)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

    1. Walks are always nice. I am so jealous that you can smell the grape vineyards. Sounds heavenly.

  8. Oh gosh, my box would definitely include some Sundrop, Reese cups, music, good smelling lotion and not sure what else. I love Sundrop and Reese cups are just perfect!


    1. Yum love Reese cups. I need to try the sundrops.

  9. I really appreciate your article. Being an extreme introvert, I can only recharge in quiet--no music, nothing. I sit, wrapping my hands around a cup of coffee (which to me is very soothing), in a sunny warm (not hot) window, and stare out at the trees and watch birds. I stare and DON'T THINK until my soul is quiet and I am restored.

    1. I like the idea of the warm cup of coffee and the window, Thanks for sharing your ideas.

  10. Oh man, this idea is BRILLIANT <3

    Reese's for sure, some sort of mint always helps calm me as well as jasmine and ylang ylang :D

    Family pics or quotes always help too!

    There's this book my cousin has - hot guys and chicks with pictures of lovely men and baby chicks. It's ADORABLE and lovely all at once ;)

    Anisa @ Creative Undertakings

    1. That books sound fun! Thanks for sharing your ideas.

  11. I think taking time to do something you haven't done in a long time- like drawing, or writing a poem or song, reading an inspirational scripture or devotional, try doing something like massaging your feet- I don't like other people touching my feet, but when I can do it myself, it is sooo relaxing, definitely having some chocolate- the Hershey's Treasures with toffee bits are soo yummy, I think just being able to put everything aside for a few minutes and just remember that We are enough- love that by the way- and getting back to feeling connected with ourselves, can help restore, renew and refresh us. What a great idea!

    1. Um love me some toffee. I'll have to try the treasures. I like the idea of drawing and writing. I found some adult coloring books that I can't wait to try out.
      Thanks for sharing you ideas Dora.

  12. What a great idea! Sometimes it's difficult to destress and we DO have stressful jobs. I think my box would for sure need to have pictures of my family and maybe a book of funny poems. I love that you put some ideas of specific items to put in my box. That helps a lot. I also was impressed by the black pepper cheese. I've got to try that. Thanks for such a wonderful idea. I think I'll put some together as gifts for my teammates.

    1. Hey Joan you are right. I think funny poems would be a great idea. I like the idea of putting some stuff together for teammates. Way to pay it forward. Thanks for sharing your ideas.

  13. This is awesome... I've just finished Monday here an have decided to call in sick for the next two days (1doesn't seem enough) because I'm so sick of politics a s BS at school and I need to re-group so I can get back to being awesome for my kids. This is a great idea.. I've just had a large drink and am about to pour myself another one and take it into a long hot shower with music pumping. Then 2 days of doing whatever I want! Thanks for the great advice

    x Serena x

    Magic Mistakes and Mayhem

    1. yay for you Serena! It is always good to regroup and recharge. Have fun these next two days.

  14. I am feeling the stress too! I feel like summer never really happened...but I started blogging and my teacher store this summer so I guess I worked most of the summer setting these things up. I find myself picking through work and picking through spending time with my kids, picking through my housework so I have my hands in something all the time at home and very rarely is it something where I am sitting down...A soothe box for me would be SSSSOOOOO AWESOME!!!

  15. I LOVE your "enough" sign! Would love to have one made for my own kids' bedrooms!


  16. Love your enough sign! Perfect for my bee themed class. I would need lots of chocolate in my box! Thanks

  17. I love this post. Thank you! I hope I can remember it when I need it. The poster is great, too.

  18. I de-stress with a cup of coffee, cuddling with my black lab, and calling my mom! Love this giveaway.

  19. What a great idea. I think everyone could use a soothe box! As teachers we have a tendency to get stressed out when things are very hectic!! Thanks for sharing.


  20. I need one of the little smell machines for my desk at school. I think I'll just take yours.
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  21. I love a good walk to help me de-stress. I put on a fun Cd and hit the road. A little well deserved chocolate is always nice too! A piece of paper, some markers, and a few minutes of doodling can be a magical experience.
    Granny Goes to School

  22. Taking care of ourselves as teachers usually doesn't happen. I've been making an effort to practice some of my 7 habits... putting first things first... and sometimes that thing is ME! :) Getting to the gym (even when I could stay at school until 6pm) and eating to fuel my body and not my stress are just a couple of the things that I've been trying to put FIRST. :) I think a box with some things (I would probably call it my 'happy place') sounds like a great idea. I might need to work on gathering some goodies and keep it under my desk in case of emergencies!

    xoxo K :)


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