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Favorite Technology Finds EVER!

#1  Remind 101 is a great way to communicate with parents and students. The best part -it's FREE! Remind 101 allows you to send a quick text message to your parents or students without ever revealing your personal contact information. Parents can sign up to receive your messages by text or email. I've used this service for two years as reminders of important class events. I would remind parents of assignments due or special days at school! My parents loved Remind 101. It's so user friendly. It will not disappoint!

Here's an overview:

# 2 WordMark.It
This technology find is a lifesaver.  I **ALWAYS*** use Wordmark.it first before designing items for my room. I use wordmark.it for finding the perfect font for titles, student handouts, newsletters, sight word cards and more. This program is awesome!!! I highly suggest using it. It's super easy. All you do is type in a word, phrase, or set of characters and it displays your text in all the possibilities of fonts that are loaded on your computer. It's pure genius. Yes, I have the ability to hover over the text in powerpoint but this is much better. I'm such a visual person so it allows me to see ALL of my options. Why is this so cool? This comes in handy because some fonts are only lowercase, some are a mixture and some fonts do not make certain characters. Check it out and let me know what you think.

I seriously love fonts!!! It's a problem. I know there have been tons of font linky parties but I'm always finding more fonts. What's your new favorite font?

Here is my list of favorites **right now**


  1. Wow that's awesome! I've wanted to text my parents but don't want them knowing my number. Thanks for sharing this great resource! Teaching with Giggles

  2. There is a teacher at my school who uses this. She loves it. You can even set it up in advance. So like if there is a field trip 3 weeks away, you can program it to send the message today and it will go out before the field trip. At least that's what she told me. :)

    1. I need to try that feature. Thanks for sharing

  3. I am a font hoarder, as well. Maybe we should start a support group!

    Simply 2nd Resources

  4. Thanks for the font tip! I'm always downloading new fonts... I even have a font that has cats making each letter. My favourites right now are LL Elementary Dots, My First Crush and Yummy Cupcakes
    Grade 4 Buzz

  5. Hi, thanks for the review on Remind101 I downloaded the app a few days ago and am super excited to get it started in my classroom this year. How did you give the code to parents? Did you have it on paper to hand out or did you wait until back to school night and display it for them?
    Laura ~ First Grade Spies

    1. At Orientation I passed it out and I also had some parents do right there in the classroom

    2. IF they didn't' attend I put slips in kid's backpacks. I had 100% registered.
      It was so awesome.

  6. I'm in love! Thanks so much for sharing the WordMarkIt website. I will definitely be using that now versus scrolling through the little box to find the perfect font.

    Turtley Loving Teaching

  7. WOW, Remind 101 is easy, and wonderful. I just set it up for the coming school year. I am loving it! Thank you so much for sharing!

    Mrs. Bartel’s School Family

  8. This is super FANTAB!!!! Thanks for sharing Remind 101 and wordmarkit. I can't wait to try them both!!

  9. Remind101 is awesome! I just tried it myself and it asked me if I thought it was too late at night to send the message. This will be a great tool. I'll be honest at first I thought parents could text you back and was worried I'd be getting texts at all hours of the day. Thanks for sharing this!

    I Heart Teaching Elementary


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