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Winner Winner

You can use real hershey kisses or kiss post its found at Staples. 
WARNING: One year I had real hershey kisses taped to index cards. The  little kiddos gobbled up ALL of the kisses while the parents where chatting with me. 

Couple of more hours of the BIG sale

Thanks for everyone who entered the giveaway. 

Congrats Karen! 

Thank you Quite a Pear! If you want some fun caddie labels go visit right here. You will not be disappointed. I'll post more pictures of my caddies soon.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Those kiss post-its are a great idea for Open House! We cut out leaves one year so parents could take a leaf from our Wish Tree. The kisses are so much easier already sticky!

    Thanks for the great idea,

    My Shoe String Life
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